What we do


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Our work in Europe[editar]

For more than a decade the FSG has been developing advocacy actions in Europe for the denfense of the rights of the Roma community and to promote the implementation of the directives in terms of equality of treatment and non-discrimination. To achieve its aim the Department of Equality and Defense against Discrimination is actively engaged in forums and conferences at a European level and organized by institutions as FRA (Fundamental Rights Agency), FSG was part of its Advisor committee between 2012 and 2014, and other institutions as European Commission, European Parliament, Council of Europe, ECRI, EQUINET, and the OSCE. Besides, it cooperates with international NGOs European Roma Rights Center, Amnesty International, ERGO, Open Society Initiative among others.

It also manages different European projects about equality such as the NET-KARD project, funded by the European Commission DG Justice. This project is addressed to security force, lawyers, jurists, NGOs and media in order to prevent from discrimination against the Roma community.

From this project resulted the publication of 4 guides in 5 languages available on this website:
