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Fundación Secretariado Gitano regrets the outcome of the fire in Vigo, Spain, on 11 October in which four Roma people lost their lives.[editar] 17 de Octubre de 2023 This terrible event highlights the situations of extreme poverty in which many Roma families live and the need to adequately accompany the processes of social and residential inclusion. READ MORE
FSG receives the Emilia Pardo Bazán Medal from the Government of Galicia[editar] 19 de Septiembre de 2023 Sara Giménez thanked the recognition and reaffirmed the commitment of the FSG in the fight for equality for Roma women READ MORE
Condemned for posting antigypsyism messages on the forum Burbuja.info [editar] 22 de Junio de 2021 New case featuring Fundación Secretariado Gitano as prosecutor and in which a "condemnation for conformity" has been issued READ MORE