Platform for Police Management of Diversity [editar]
The Platform for Police Management of Diversity was created in the mid 2010 in order to bring a meeting point between the diverse members of the society and the police force. The objective is to encourage and promote changes within those services by improving the action procedures. In this way the platform insures an equal treatment from the police to the most vulnerable minorities.
This Platform is composed by the Unión Nacional de Jefes y Directivos de Policía Local (Unijepol) and 8 NGOs: Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG), Fundación Cepaim, the Spanish Catholic Migration Commission (ACCEM), the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender National Federation (FELGTB), Plena Inclusión (disability), RAIS Fundación (homeless people), Movement against Intolerance (McI), Red Acoge (RA) and the Association of Gay and Lesbian Police Officers (GAYLESPOL). Amnesty International and Open Society Justice Initiative (OSJI), participate in the Platform as observers.
Open Society has helped us to implement annual activities such as the Seminar on the Police Managment for the diversity and as well the Awards "Daniel Wagman" for good police practices. Furthermore, in 2016 the Platform published "Fair and Effective Police Stops Handbook" which exposes the PIPE project and its procedures to avoid ethnic profiling by police forces.
For further information on the work of the Platform, please check