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Since its creation, the Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG) has devoted a significant part of its efforts to the educational promotion of the Roma community, at all levels and for all ages. Education is a fundamental pillar of the development of persons, and one of the elements favouring social inclusion and equal opportunities.

The Fundación Secretariado Gitano has developped different initiatives to contribute to bridge the existing gap in the educational fields. The actions are developed in every educative phase prioritizing the compulsory stages. Some of these actions are the support to students, the educational guidance for the students and their families, scholarships, training and technical support to profesionnals of the education and social fields, institutional action to promote more active policies and favour the inclusion of Roma pupils in the educational system, research, analysis and publications or the awareness-raising campaigns.

Context elements

Education is one of the areas set in the Europe 2020 Strategy. It is one of the priorities within the political agenda of every Member State.

Some of the goals to be achieved by the European Union by 2020 is the improvement of the educative levels, in particular with the objective to reduce the school dropout see figures about education in Spain) to levels under 10 per cent.

School dropout rates in Spain are 25% while the European average is 14.9% and 63.4% for the Roma community (see the report: "Roma students in secondary education. A comparative study"). The global objective for Spain is to reduce this rate to 15% by 2020.

According to the information collected by UNESCO at its International Study Agency report “Education for All” 2012, the Spanish are Europeans who more dropout before finishing high school and those who have more problems when joining the labor market.

The communication of 31 January 2011 of the European Commission to the European Parliament includes tackling early school leaving as a key contribution to the European agenda 2020. This communication indicates that early school leaving is caused by a combination of factors individual, educational and socioeconomic, and refers to the situation of the Roma as a group particularly affected by this phenomenon.

On the same line, the National Roma Integration Strategy in Spain framed by the National Reform Programme is directly related to the living conditions of Roma. It is closely linked to the objectives of the Europe 2020 Strategy, and defines quantitative objectives to be achieved. In the field of education, these objectives focus on increasing the enrollment of Roma in kindergarten, success in primary education, completion and success in compulsory secondary education and increasing education of Roma adults.

"School drop out rate is 64% for young Roma while is 25% for non-Roma"