What we do


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Our work in education[editar]

Since the creation of the FSG, one of its priorities, and hence strategic line of action, has been the educational promotion of the Roma community at all levels and at all ages, placing a particular emphasis on the most difficult stages of formal schooling, including secondary education.

To this purpose, the FSG implements actions in collaboration with various administrations and organisations of local, provincial or regional scope both with the Spanish or immigrant Roma population, the latter coming primarily from Eastern Europe.

Workshop on study techniques
Workshop on study techniques

The principal lines of action of the FSG in education can be summarised as follows:

  • Promote and facilitate the incorporation of Roma boys and girls in Early Childhood Education and Care.
  • Promote the educational mainstreaming of the Roma student body in the compulsory stages of schooling.
  • Promote the involvement of Roma families in the educational process of their children, and more broadly of the whole educational community.
  • Produce basic diagnoses and the continued monitoring of the school situation of the Roma student body through research and studies.
  • Development of publications.
  • Promote the basic training of Roma adults.
  • Provide training, support and technical assistance to professionals of the social and educational fields.
  • Develop and participate in actions of an international scope.
  • Develop awareness-raising campaigns.

Promociona Classroom, Valencia
Promociona Classroom, Valencia

Some FSG publications on education (in Spanish)

Gitanos magazine (in Spanish):

Promoting the educational mainstreaming of the Roma student body in the compulsory stages of education

Promotion of Roma families’ involvement in the educational process

  • Informational leaflet
  • `Roma Families Get involved´ Methodological Guide The Guide aims to provide guidance for professionals working on the ground to involve Roma families in the educational processes of their children. It includes aspects such as the working phases, strategies, key messages, warnings, and examples of good practices and the profile and competences needed for professionals, among others. For other languages www.https://www.gitanos.org/que-hacemos/areas/international/roma_families_get_involved.html

Basic diagnosis and continued monitoring (In Spanish)

Other documents and links of interest