What we do


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Promociona Programme[editar]


Education is the best tool for social change, for breaking the cycle of poverty and for achieving social inclusion. We believe in the transformative power of education to achieve a more just world where the diverse cultures is valued.

Throughout its history, the Fundación Secretariado Gitano has developed different programmes to contribute to closing the gap in education, with programmes to support schooling at all educational stages, management of scholarships, tutoring, studies and research, publications, training and technical advice for professionals in the educational and socio-educational field, actions aimed at encouraging the involvement of Roma families in the educational process of their children, and awareness-raising campaigns.  

In 2009, the FSG launched the Promociona Programme, within the Multi-regional Operational Programme to Combat Discrimination, financed by the European Social Fund, which until then had been exclusively dedicated to activities for the inclusion in the labour market (as the Acceder Programme).

The ultimate goal of Promociona is to ensure that young Roma complete compulsory education and continue studying in order to reduce the number of early school drop outs and improve the Roma community's access to the labour market by promoting equal opportunities.

Education is the basic pillar for the development of people and also for inclusion in the world of employment; the more and better qualified, the greater the possibilities to make decisions and success.

With a methodology similar to that which had already been used since 2000 with the Acceder employment programme, personalised education pathways were developed with the aim of linking education with employment.

The effect that this pathway has on the individual is multiplied in the promotion of the whole community. In the Roma community, there is a shortage of people with secondary or higher education and skilled jobs. The need to promote these references is crucial in order to achieve the educational promotion of the entire Roma community at all levels and at all ages.

Currently the Promociona Programme is being developed in 54 cities of 13 Regions in Spain.

Target Group and beneficiaries

The Promociona programme is aimed at various agents involved in the educational process of minors: the student body, families, education centres and other stakeholders.

Students and their families are the principal actors of this programme, although the FSG pursues its work in close collaboration with education centres.

The beneficiaries of the programme are Roma students, primarily in the final cycle of primary (5th and 6th form) and compulsory secondary (1st to 4th form) education, as well as their families, in the areas where the programme is implemented.

The profile of the students with whom the actions are being implemented is that of minors engaged in the mainstream process of education, and who are deemed, on the basis of selection criteria, to require accompaniment in order to allow them to obtain the compulsory Secondary Education qualification and to achieve success in post-compulsory studies.

Promociona Scheme with families, students, educative centres and other agents
Promociona Scheme with families, students, educative centres and other agents

Branches of Promociona

Derived from the Promociona's succes and based in its methodology, the Fundación Secretariado Gitano launches new programmes to approach diverse issues related to the education of Roma students:

Promociona-T, a programme to prevent school failure from the earliest age
With Promociona-T we promote the enrolment of Roma students in Infant Education, and we combat school absenteeism and early school dropout. We help students acquire the skills on the school curriculum, which  prevents them from falling behind and helps them achieve educational success. Educational support is the programme’s main activity, complemented by educational guidance for students and their families.

With Promociona+ we support and encourage Roma students in postcompulsory education

Individual educational guidance and the Assisted Study Classrooms are the pillars of Promociona +, a programme which also puts emphasis on the social participation of Roma youth.