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Our work in Innovation[editar]

General description of the Area

The FSG's Innovation Area was created in 2021 within the Sub-Directorate of Programmes. This Area's mission is to adapt FSG programmes and services to digitalisation and to the changes that are taking place due to the irruption of technology in our lives, with a significant impact on the fields of employment and education. This Area seeks to incorporate new ways of working that will result in greater opportunities for Roma and that will keep the FSG as one of the most innovative organisations in the social sector.

The Innovation Area is starting its work with the development of the projects Empleando Digital+ and Promociona Digital, financed by the European Social Fund, Axis 6 Innovation of the Operational Programme on Social Inclusion and Social Economy (POISES), that the FSG will implement until 2023. These two projects will hopefully put the Acceder programme and the Promociona programme at the forefront and allow us to better respond to the challenges of digitalisation.

The Innovation Concept we work with

We understand innovation as a process that modifies existing elements, ideas or protocols, improving them or creating proposals that have a favourable impact on society. It is a process that is open to the outside world.

We work on innovation based on technology and its transforming power in social, organisational and technological spheres.

Innovation is a key factor in improving the living conditions of the Roma population and, undoubtedly, it is a very important contribution to progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.