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Both the sociological survey of Roma households carried out by the Sociologic Research Center 2006-07 as the Foessa Survey 2007 reflect a measure of the poverty of the Roma community in Spain, compared with the general population and coincide when highlight the huge gap between the two groups.
According to the first survey, the level of severe deprivation in the Roma community is 6 times higher than the general population; and according to the second one, only one in four Roma households would be found above the relative poverty level established for the whole of Spain according to EU methodology. Severe poverty even affects one in every three households in the Roma community.
Recent years are still difficult for the Roma community, just as being for the rest of the citizenry. Difficulties in accessing and maintaining employment, difficulties in access to benefits and social benefits by increasing demands and containment of public expenditure, the difficulties to meet basic needs for sustaining housing, food, health ... have caused the increasing levels of poverty and exclusion of Roma families.
Every year, the FSG remains committed to working to enable social inclusion of the Roma community in Spain, offering more than 500 services and programs that help overcome the situation of social exclusion and poverty that many Roma families still live and reaching to more than 100,000 people annually.
The challenges facing the future focus on maintaining the support for Roma families to stop and reverse if possible these difficulties, as they pose a great risk to the progress made in recent decades in the social inclusion of the Roma community in Spain.