Our work in health[editar]
Health promotion, understood as the process which provides people the necessary means to exert a major control on their own health to improve it, is the main target of Health Area of the FSG.
The FSG, from its territorial headquarters and the coordination of central departments, intents to contribute to the promotion of the health of Roma Community. To make it possible, we focus on actions aiming at strengthening habilities and capacities both individual and communal. we also consider performances aiming at modifying social, environmental and economic conditions.
In this sense, collaboration with socio-sanitary staff and professionals from public and private entities are considered as working priorities.
Food workshop in FSG Sestao
Capacitating professionals to work in cultural diversity environments is part of our work so as direct work with Roma community to get more implication in their health care
Main lines of work
- Technical attendance and advice. Technical support to private and public entities to solve health demands. Nowadays, these kind of demands are rising up in a large number of hospitals.
- Health promotion activities in several Spanish Autonomous Communities aiming to strength and develop skills for healthy habits within the Roma community. The contents are selected and worked through the organization of workshops on balanced diets, disease prevention, health education…
- Drug prevention actions. Through the Romano Sastipen Programme we promote activities to prevent the consumption of substances addressed to minors and Roma youth. Ludic and socialcultural workshops and activities are organised for developing a healthy leisure and free time, together with informative sessions about the consumption and effects of different substances.
- Development of educational material. Addressed to Roma population and professionals.
- Transnational cooperation actions: Exchange of good initiatives and actions preventing drug addiction within the Roma community.
- Awareness and revitalization actions of the Roma population regarding HIV-AIDS. Activities informing and raising awareness towards the virus and the disease.
- Investigation and Analysis. Conventions and approved projects have contributed to the creation of this line of work based on the study of the social determinants that contribute to health inequalities of the Roma population.
FSG annual report 2015