The project builds upon a very technical work that requires the involvement of experts regarding Roma families' involvement and education as well as a working method based on a series of steps that build upon each other: from national analysis to international discussion and joint definition of the final tool and European and national dissemination of the tool.
The project working method is based on a process aimed at assuring the usefulness and transferability of the tool into different European contexts: a limited number of participants taking part in each working session, both nationally and internationally; national analysis as the basis for discussion and transnational level for validation of the tool essential elements; few extra experts invited to contribute.
Project results are achieved through the development of the following activities:
1. Agreement on the basic elements at transnational level: Project partners' kick-off meeting, May 2012, Madrid (Spain).
First partners’ internal meeting aimed at agreeing on key aspects related to project management and implementation, including the methodology and tools for the activities at national and transnational level.
2. Identification, gathering and analysis of relevant information at national level:
- Identification of relevant organisations/practices as regards the work with families (notably Roma but work wit others was also considered) in the context of educational programmes (based on commonly agreed criteria on what could be considered good practices)
- Gathering of information on these organisations/practices (building upon a common questionnaire agreed by all partners)
- Review of the information gathered and analysis of relevant elements to be considered for the elaboration of the methodological tool. As part of this process, one national workshop was organised in each of the countries covered by the project. These were restricted meetings gathering representatives of partner organisations in each of the countries and a limited number of representatives from national organisations with relevant experience (at technical and grassroot level), including public authorities at all levels, civil society organisations (Roma and non-Roma), professionals working on the ground, etc. National workshops aimed at:
- Presenting the project and its activities to national stakeholders.
- Sharing and discussing with experts the information and good practice gathered and their relevance.
- Reflecting and discussing on key aspects related to the involvement of Roma families in the educational process of their children which should be considered for the methodological tool.
- Gathering their views and foster a debate on Roma community, education and family involvement.
- Elaboration of a national report gathering relevant information gathered in each country regarding education and Roma families involvement in each country (building upon the information gathered in the questionnaires as well as in the national workshop and following a common structure agreed by all partners).
3. Analysis and validation of information at transnational level and draft of methodological tool
- Transnational partners' meeting, November 2012, Budapest (Hungary). Analysis of the results at national level and agreement on the structure and content of the methodological tool.
- Preparation of the methodological tool and validation by partners and, when considered relevant, other experts.
4. Promotion and dissemination of methodological tool at national and European level.
- European conference in Brussels.
Project partners' organised the European Conference “Working with Roma families: a key towards the success of their children at school” on 21st March 2013 in Brussels (Belgium). Hosted by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), the event gathered representatives of national and EU institutions, international organisations, NGOs, researchers, experts and other relevant actors with grassroots experience in this field.
Participants reflected on and exchanged views on the issues related to Roma families, the main challenges in achieving their involvement for the education of their children, as well as the role of public and private actors at local, national and European levels.
The event also featured the presentation of the methodological “Guide for working with Roma Families towards achieving the success of their children at school. A transnational methodological proposal for professionals”, developed in the context of the project, at European level.
- National events in each of the four participating countries.
During the month of March, national dissemination seminars took place in the four countries covered by the project (one per participating country) with the aim of contributing to the dissemination and use of the methodological tool at national level. They served to:
- Present the methodological tool to national, regional and local actors working in the areas of education and/or Roma, as well as other national bodies with competences or resources related to the education and training of Roma.
- Encourage the use and further dissemination of this tool among relevant stakeholders.
- Offer a platform at national level to debate and exchange ideas on the importance to take into account and promote Roma families’ involvement in initiatives aimed at promoting the education of their children as well as social inclusion as a whole.
Kick-off partners' meeting
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.