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Aims and objectives[editar]

The project "Roma families get involved" aims to contribute to reducing early dropout rates among Roma children, especially in primary education, by working with Roma children and their families.

To this end, the project will create, from a transnational perspective, a practical methodological tool to help professionals working on the ground to involve Roma families in the educational processes of their children.

It pretends to be a useful tool for professionals working with Roma children in the field of education as well as those who work with Roma families from a more comprehensive and integrated approach. It also intends to provide consistent arguments to policy makers in order to promote and extend policy measures that increase the education achievements of Roma children, by involvement their families among others.

Specifically, the project pursues the following objectives:

  1. To gather and analyse different strategies of work with Roma families in the different countries in order to identify those whose impact is greater than others.
  2. To create a transnational platform for the exchange of technical know-how and experience of highly qualified professionals working with Roma in the field of education and, thus, to improve and exchange in Europe the understanding of the behaviours and practices of the young Roma related to education by performing a research action in all partner countries.
  3. To generate tools to assist professionals working with the Roma population to facilitate the engagement of Roma families in the educational process of their children by providing basic approaches and strategies to work with Roma families and sensitise them on the consequences of early school leaving for their children in terms of their personal development as well as their social and economic integration for the future.
  4. To raise awareness about the importance of investing on Roma education through adapted measures to achieve social inclusion goals by disseminating knowledge generated by the project, with a view to sensitise policy-makers about the need to promote actions in this area, as well as professionals working with the Roma population and Roma population itself.

By fulfilling this objective this project is fully aligned with the EU2020 and the National Strategies for Roma Inclusion and their focus to reduce early dropout rates and the assure participation of Roma children in at least primary education. Access to education is one of the four crucial areas for Roma integration in the context of the EU2020 Strategy.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.