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"I do not want a segregated school." A new campaign to denounce widespread school segregation that affects thousands of Roma children across Spain.

"I do not want a segregated school." A new campaign to denounce widespread school segregation that affects thousands of Roma children across Spain. On the occasion of the International Roma Day FSG launches a new campaign. FSG 1 Com distribution of Roma and immigrant pupils. The FRA (Agency of the European Union of Fundamental Rights), in a report published last week, singles out segregation of Roma pupils in separate schools ooms of as one of the main barriers that limit their social inclusion. According to the European survey EU-Midis II (Fundamental Rights Agency of


The Fundación Secretariado Gitano presents the first desk that fights school dropout

Antena3), and radio (RNE 1, Radio 5) , agencies ( Europa Press), written and online press (HuffingtonPost), as well as specialized



Employment The European Roma population, because of low levels of schooling and a lack of professional training as well as discriminative practices by employers, remains to a large extent marginalised from the formal labour market. This labour market si ive perceptions and discrimination in training and employment. You can check Fundamental Rights Agency "Transition from education to ipling of unemployment rates to 38% by 2012. The low employment rates of Roma are partly related to high rates of self-employment: circa 20% of the Roma


Samudaripen Memorial 2020

recordó a las víctimas del Holocausto gitano. Radio Prague https://ec. europa .eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/STATEMENT_20_1423 53-el-consejo-estatal-del-pueblo-gitano-conmemora-el-acto-en-recuerdo-de-las-victimas-del-genocidio-gitano-samudaripen https://fra. europa .eu/en/news/2020/roma-holocaust-remembrance-has-lessons-europe-today


Ambicioso plan de la UE para la integración de los gitanos

plan de la UE para la integración de los gitanos Europa Abierta 1 RNE. Radio Exterior Audio-visual material Video, audio and


The EC launches a new EU Roma Framework that opens up new opportunities for Roma equality: it is now the time for Member States to take responsibility

racism and racial discrimination. EU anti-racism action plan 2020-2025 https://ec. europa .eu/info/publications/new-eu-roma-strategic-framework-equality-inclusion-and-participation-full-package_en


Mapa sobre vivienda y comunidad gitana en España

Origen mayoritario de la población en cada barrio/asentamientos Español De Europa del Este NS/NC Total Nº de Barrios/ Asentamientos 691 16


European Parliament and Member states reach a Political Agreement for European Social Fund+ (ESF+)

Strategic Fram cado de prensa Comisión Europea. 29/01/21 https://ec. europa .eu/esf/home.jsp?langId=es https://ec. europa .eu/commission/presscorner/detail/es/ip_21_225



todas sus fases; el inicio del viaje, La expansión por Europa , una Segunda oleada de migraciones, La gran catástrofe, El


8 de abril, día de la comunidad gitana

la India hacia Occidente. De los primeros que llegaron a Europa se conservan referencias de pequeños grupos de peregrinos, guiados por


Los gitanos reivindican el reconocimiento internacional de su cultura

Los gitanos reivindican el reconocimiento internacional de su cultura Canal Europa 1 RTVE Audio-visual material Video, audio and interactive materials 2017



cultura romaní.El pueblo gitano es la mayor minoría étnica de Europa y la más antigua, numerosa y representativa de España. Este

Prensa Comunicado

La Fundación Secretariado Gitano denuncia las inadmisibles políticas anti-gitanas del alcalde de Baia Mare (Rumania) y lamenta su reciente reelección

[2]. El Comisario de Derechos Humanos del Consejo de Europa también ha denunciado esta situación


Carolina Fernández, responsable de incidencia y defensa de derechos, entrevistada en el programa de radio Gitanos

1 RNE Audio-visual material Video, audio and interactive materials 2018 Europa Antigitanis


EURoma Network organises European Seminar 'Using ESI Funds to provide adequate housing solutions for Roma families’

EURoma Network organises European Seminar 'Using ESI Funds to provide adequate housing solutions for Roma families’ With this event, the Network, coordinated by the Fundación Secretariado Gitano as Technical Secretariat, aimed to boost an effective u and fact that the potential of ESI Funds to address this situation is not fully used. Although the EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies up to 2020 ousing; prevention of spatial segregation and forced evictions with no alternative housing option’ (Midterm review of the EU Framework for National Roma Integrati


According to a new FRA report, 80% of Roma live at risk of poverty

Second National Roma Health Survey 2014 (only in Spanish) https://fra. europa .eu/en/publication/2022/roma-survey-findings


European Parliament calls on the Commission and Member States to end the persistent school segregation of Roma children

European Parliament calls on the Commission and Member States to end the persistent school segregation of Roma children In a resolution adopted last week (4 October), the European Parliament calls for the situation of Roma pupils in education "to urgently de Derechos 1 Fundación Secretariado Gitano welcomes the approval of this Resolution, and shares the proposals that the Europ eflect on the education of Roma children in its analysis in the framework of the vision of a European Education Area by 2025, which sets a high level of European ambition in the field of ed


La abogada gitana Sara Giménez es la nueva representante española en el Comité Europeo contra el Racismo y la Intolerancia (ECRI)

Comité son nombrados por cada estado miembro del Consejo de Europa por un mandato de cinco años y deben ser, según