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European Commision releases a communication about the implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategies

press release and the link to the PDF document: http:// europa .eu/rapid/press-release_IP-15-5205_en.htm Coming soon you w


Salud, prevención de adicciones y juventud gitana en Europa

Salud, prevención de adicciones y juventud gitana en Europa Manual y acciones para la práctica dirigido a profesionales de


FSG will take part in the 9th European Platform for Roma Inclusion

guarantee social inclusion for Roma. More info about the event:http://ec. europa .eu/justice/events/roma-platform-2015/index_en. htm To follow the event (live streaming): http://ec. europa


La comunidad gitana en España en estos últimos 15 años

Rodríguez, director de la FSG y Jan Jarab, representante en Europa del Comisionado de la ONU para los Derechos Humanos. Se


El Parlamento Europeo repara el olvido del Holocausto gitano

El Parlamento Europeo repara el olvido del Holocausto gitano Europa Abierta 1 RNE. Radio Exterior Audio-visual material Video, audio and



Opportunities The aforementioned demographic trends, combined with educational, labour, housing and health data, illustrate the severe challenges that the EU is facing with regards to the improvement of the living conditions of the Roma population. Howe ve participation in a competitive, capital intensive and knowledge-based economy, which is the hallmark of the Europe 2020 Strategy ues – illustrated by the 10 Common Basic Principles of Roma Inclusion engendered by the EU Plat form for Roma Inclusion and the landmark EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies –



on effective Roma integration measures in the Member States http://ec. europa .eu/avservices/video/player.cfm?ref=I079830 http://ec. europa .eu/justice/newsroom/discrimination/news/130626_en.htm http://ec. europa .eu/justice/discrimination/files/com_2013_454_en.pdf http://ec. europa .eu/justice/discrimination/files/com_2013_460_en.pdf


European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs adopts resolution on EU strategy for Roma inclusion

on Roma inclusion in the European Parliament legislative observatory http://www. europa rl. europa .eu/sides/ http://www. europa rl. europa .e u/sides/ http://www.


Políticas de inclusión social y población gitana en España

situación concreta de la población gitana procedente del este de Europa y que vive actualmente en nuestro país. Se ha comparado


14th meeting of the European Platform for Roma Inclusion

la inclusión de los gitanos tras pandemia. Swissinfo. 21.09.21 https://ec. europa .eu/info/sites/default/files/roma_platform21_agenda.pdf https://ec. europa .eu/info/sites/default/files/romaplatform21_theme_1.pdf ht tps://ec. europa .eu/info/sites/default/files/romaplatform21_theme_2.pdf


EAPN publica la "Guía práctica sobre los fondos estructurales para las ONG de acción social"

que éstas den prioridad a los nuevos objetivos sociales de Europa 2020, especialmente el objetivo de reducción de la pobreza, tanto


Demography and Health

Demography and Health The health situation of the Roma is particularly troubling: This study undertaken in 2014 within the framework ist (15.9%) or had never gone for reasons other than pregnancy (23.9% ). This data is congruent with a 2017 survey of Roma living con aged 40 to 64) remains significantly higher among Roma (231) than for the overall population (101). As pointed out by the European Commission</a


FSG joins the #ReclaimYourFace campaign to limit the use of surveillance technologies in public spaces

one of the public actions of our #ReclaimYourFace campaign. https:// europa .eu/citizens-initiative/initiatives/detai ls/2021/000001_en The requierements for signing are: <li


International Networks and Partnerships

International Networks and Partnerships Joining forces through international networks and partnerships On the European stage: The FSG acts as Technical Secretariat of the EURoma Network the European Roma Policy Coalition (ERPC) the Fundamental Rights Platform of the EU Agency for Fundamen tal Rights (FRA) the European Platform for Roma Inclusion EURoma Management C


EURoma Snapshot: how ESI Funds are used to address the impact of COVID-19 crisis on Roma

EURoma Snapshot: how ESI Funds are used to address the impact of COVID-19 crisis on Roma FSG Internacional 1 International EURoma Network, coordinated by FSG as Technical Secretariat, releases the first outcomes of a consultation pr o promote and facilitate their use. Among them, the ‘Coronavirus Response Investment Initiatives’ (CRII and CRII+) and the emergency temporary recovery instrument ‘Next Generation EU’, which, in addition to proposing changes to the rules


Guía práctica para los servicios policiales

está dirigida a los servicios p _WEB.pdf 4.- http://fra. europa .eu/en/theme/roma 5.- 6.- 7.- http://eur-lex.europ eved they were


For a European Year of Youth that includes young Roma people

For a European Year of Youth that includes young Roma people FSG Internacional 1 International The Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG) presents its proposals and comments to an initiative of the European Commission on the Europea evels. The FSG has submitted its comments to the Commission's initiative on the European Year of Youth (here), the higher levels of vulnerability to which they are subjected (with lower levels of education and unemployment), but e o promote diverse and meaningful participation. Finally, we would like to see a greater emphasis in the Decision on the Eur


El empleo de las personas vulnerables. Una inversión social rentable

potencial futuro del POLCD en el marco de la Estrategia Europa 2020 ......................................68 3.1. El marco político-institucional del PO: La Estrategia

Prensa Comunicado

Un estudio de la FSG constata que la crisis está siendo especialmente dura con la población gitana

el estudio comparado “Población gitana española y del Este de Europa , empleo e inclusión social, 2011” que la Fundación Secretariado