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The FSG participates at the European Conference for the preparation of the Child Guarantee

Guarantee for the year 2021. Child Guarantee, EC Eurochild https://ec. europa .eu/social/main.jsp?catId=1428&langId=en


The Fundación Secretariado Gitano and ProFuturo distribute 300 tablets to Roma students to help with their home education

tablets a estudiantes gitanos para facilitar la educación en casa. Europa Press https://www. europa


Europe Day: it is necessary to guarantee the equal rights of the most disadvantaged people in the face of the impact of COVID-19, today and tomorrow

Europe Day: it is necessary to guarantee the equal rights of the most disadvantaged people in the face of the impact of COVID-19, today and tomorrow Today, Europe Day, and in the face of the global crisis of COVID-19, we need to have a strong Europe that i erating in the European Roma population. We welcome the steps taken by the European Commission with the European Initiative for Investment in Response to the Coronavirus and th


Fundación Secretariado Gitano's "Learning by Doing" programme, winner of the EESC Civil Society Prize 2022

upload/13/49/Brochure.pdf EESC info SPECIAL - Civil Society Prize 2022 https://www.eesc. europa .eu/en/news-media/eesc-info/022023


FSG discusses with actors from all over Europe how to promote partnership within European Funds

FSG discusses with actors from all over Europe how to promote partnership within European Funds The last meeting of the European Community of Practice on Partnership, in which FSG takes part, provided an opportunity to address the issue with a wide range o prove the quality of partnership across Europe and to spread the exchange of good practices, in line with the "European Code of Conduct for Conduct under the Europe


The Eurobarometer on Discrimination 2015 confirms the strong presence of anti-Gypsyism in the EU.

EC page with the report and the national reports http://ec. europa .eu/COMMFrontOffice/PublicOpinion/index.cfm/Survey/getSurveyDetail/instruments/SPECIAL/surveyKy/2077


The European Economic and Social Committee visits FSG to know the programs that stand up for inclusion

delegation will visit Romania, Bulgaria and Finland. Roma. EESC http://www.eesc. europa .eu/?i=portal.en.roma


In the face of discrimination do not shut up

In the face of discrimination do not shut up 21st of March International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination Servicio de Asistencia y Orientación a Víctimas de Discriminación Racial o Étnica 1 Equal treatment Promoting opean human rights institutions (ECRI, FRA and ODIHR) said in a <a href="



data supporting the existence of this segregation. Online report http://ec. europa .eu/justice/discrimination/files/roma_childdiscrimination_en.pdf


The European Commission is organising the Third European Roma Summit

Gitanos. Pensamiento y Cultura | Número 45-46. Junio-Octubre 2008 http://ec. europa .eu/justice/discrimination/roma/roma-summits/index_en.htm http://www.gitanos.


Spain as a free slum country: it is possible!

Spain as a free slum country: it is possible! Fundación Secretariado Gitano publishes an article on challenges and opportunities to eradicate slums in Spain. The article is compiled in FEANTSA’s (European Federation of National Organisations Working Housing deprivation within Roma and general population has increased due to the impact of COVID19. The European Strategic Fram


Spain as a slum free country: it is possible!

Spain as a slum free country: it is possible! Fundación Secretariado Gitano publishes an article on challenges and opportunities to eradicate slums in Spain. The article is compiled in FEANTSA’s (European Federation of National Organisations Working Housing deprivation within Roma and general population has increased due to the impact of COVID19. The European Strategic Fram


EURoma Checklist for the Effective Inclusion of Roma Interventions within EU Cohesion Funds programming 2021-2027: guidance for departments responsible for programming EU Cohesion Funds in MS and EU

new challenges and priorities established in the new <a href="https://ec. europa .eu/info/publications/new-eu-roma-strategic-framework-equality-inclusion-and-participation-full-package_en" target="_blank" rel="no


The European Commission organizes the first European Summit against Racism

2020-2025 Basic legislation on non-discrimination and hate crimes https://ec. europa .eu/info/policies/justice-and-fundamental-rights/combatting-discrimination/racism-and-xenophobia/eu-anti-racism-action-plan-2020-20


9 May: Europe Day

citizens. Europe Day 2021, official website events and activities https:// europa .eu/european-union/about-eu/symbols/europe-day_en


Winners of the EU award for Roma Integration in the Western Balkans and Turkey visit FSG

Roma Integration in the Western Balkans and Turkey <a href="https://ec. europa .eu/neighbourhood-enlargement/news/winners-2021-eu-award-roma-integration-western-balkans-and-turkey-announced-2021-09-29_en" targe


We condemn the Russian invasion of Ukraine and express our special concern for the situation of the Roma people

We condemn the Russian invasion of Ukraine and express our special concern for the situation of the Roma people Statement of the Fundación Secretariado Gitano FSG 1 International We join the international community in its 2, UN expert urges better protection of Roma minority during conflicts International Roma Day: Statement by Vice-President Jourová , Commissioners Dalli and Várhelyi. 07/04/2022 Ensure equal treatment for Roma fleeing Ukraine. FRA


The Fundación Secretariado Gitano finalist in the European Digitall Skills Awards 2023

The Fundación Secretariado Gitano finalist in the European Digitall Skills Awards 2023 FSG International and Innovation 1 Innovación International Fundación Secretariado Gitano's Empleando Digital + project is a finalist in the Euro pean Commission European Digital Skills Awards 2023 in the category "Empowering You


60 young Roma meet at the 7th FSG Meeting on Participation and Youth

the field of participation this year. Silvana Briones, from Equipo Europa (Team Europe), who is developing the EU YOUTH LAB project