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Discriminación y comunidad gitana 2013

: Área Igualdad, Departamento de Inclusión Social-FSG

Discriminación y comunidad gitana 2013 Informe Anual FSG Área Igualdad, Departamento de Inclusión Social-FSG 1 Fundación Secretariado Gitano Technical papers 2014 itana 2013 (PDF 2.4 MB) Informe de Discriminación y Comunidad Gitana 2013. Inglés (PDF 3.17 MB) FSG Technical Annals nº 112 Annual report FSG 2013 Discrimination and the Roma community Presentation of 129 cases of discrimination GOBIERNO DE ESPAÑA Annual report FSG 20 “No Hate Speech in the Internet” Discrimination and the Roma community Collaboration: Discrimination and the Roma community Annual report FSG 2013 Author and editor: Fundación Secretariado Gitano C/ Ahijones, s/n – 28018 Madrid Tel.: 91 422 09 60 Fax: 91 422 09 61 E-m . 81 8. Intersections: bodies and sexualities at the crossroads. . 82 9. Training activities carried out by the FSG . 83 I. Training targeting key players in the fight aga

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FSG Annual Report 2020 (Summary Leaflet)

: Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG)

FSG Annual Report 2020 (Summary Leaflet) Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG) 1 FSG Annual Report s Sección en la que podrás consultar las memorias anuales de las actividades de la Fundación Secretariado Gitano, a nivel estatal y regional. 2021 Informe de actividades Communication 1 In 2020, we helped to improve the lives of more than 34,000 people and refocused some of our activities to assist the people in most urgent need due to Covid-19. upload/51/17/informe_anual_2020_FSG_AAFF_eng_web.pdf file:///usr/local/w nfografias-Educacion-en.pdf file:///usr/local/web.fsgg.org/html/upload/68/82/FSG-M2020-infografias-Lucha-pobreza-en.pdf FSG Annual Report 2020 (Summary Leaflet) PDF Employment Education Fighting Poverty EMPLOYMENT Annual Report 2020 56,39 % 21.236 We celebrate 20 year aborate with Acceder Fundación With the participation of local and regional government and private organisations. EDUCATION Annual Report 2020 WE SUPPORT ROMA STUDENTS TO ACHIEVE EDUCATIONAL SUCCESS AND TO CONTINUE WITH THEIR STUDIES PROMOCIONA-T Educational success i

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Discriminación y comunidad gitana 2015


Discriminación y comunidad gitana 2015 Informe anual FSG 1 Fundación Secretariado Gitano Technical papers 2015 Racismo Estereotipos Equal treatment 1 El<stron cha contra la discriminación. upload/22/31/Informe_Discriminacion_2015.pdf file:///usr/local/web.fsgg.org/html/upload/74/81/Annual_ Report _FSG_2015_-_Discrimination_and_the_Roma_community.pdf Informe de Discriminación y Comunidad Gitana 2015. (PDF 6.22 MB) Informe de D 5 C/ Ahijones, s/n - 28018 Madrid (España) Tel.: (34) 91 422 09 60 - Fax: (34) 91 422 09 61 fsg@gitanos.org www.gitanos.org Annual Report FSG 2015 Discriminación y Comunidad Gitana In collaboration with: 194 cases of discrimination Legal judgments on anti-Gypsyism in d the “Department of Equality and Anti-discrimination” to bolster work in this area through: - Information, assistance and support activities targeting victims of racial or ethnic discrimination, as the coordinating body of the Network of Assistance Centres for Victims of

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Litigio en materia de derechos humanos y Comunidad Gitana

: Net-Kard Project

Litigio en materia de derechos humanos y Comunidad Gitana Una guía para abogados Net-Kard Project 1 Net-Kard Project FSG as contributing author 2014 Derecho Discriminación Equal treatment 0 El objetivo de la guía fue recopilar información concisa para a (Italy) Aim of the Guide For the purposes of this guide, designed for lawyers, a number of focus groups and information gathering activities were organized in the participating countries with legal practitioners who have engaged in work on Roma rights. Their insights and 20.11.2011, award-winning documentary on the situation of the poorest Roma in Romania, available at: http://inpremiera.antena3.ro/ report aje/pe-un-picior-de-iad-76.html. 3.- European Roma Rights Centre (2012) Attacks against Roma in Hungary, the Czech Republic and the pensation for their violation and for bringing about change. A number of human and Roma rights NGOs engage in strategic litigation activities in order to promote and protect the rights of persons belonging to the Roma communities, but, they also often lack financial and h

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Promoting the Use of ESI Funds for Roma Inclusion

: EURoma

Promoting the Use of ESI Funds for Roma Inclusion A glance at EURoma’s eight years of work and how Roma inclusion is considered in the 2014-2020 programming period EURoma 1 EURoma FSG as contributing author 2016 International Social Inclusion 1 Th e Report ‘Promoting the Use of ESI Funds for Roma Inclusion. A glance at EURoma’s eight years of work and how Roma incl vakia and Sweden. The Network Technical Secretariat is hosted by the Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG). About the Report During its eight years of activity, EURoma has produced a number of documents aimed to improve the use of St number of European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Managing Authorities from participating countries are also involved in Network activities . EURoma was created in the context of the 2007-2013 Structural Funds programming period, which increased the scope of transnationa

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Roma population and employment. A comparative study


Roma population and employment. A comparative study FSG 1 Fundación Secretariado Gitano Technical papers 2005 Empleo Gitanos 1 The main objective of the work was tanos.org w w. g i t a n o s . o r g / a c e d e r Financian: Fondo Social Europeo folleto empleo fsguk 23/1/05 10:21 Página 1 Report on Roma Population and Employment Conclusions, recommendations and proposals Index 1. INTRODUCTION ............................... MMARY TABLE.....................................................................................................................25 REPORT ON ROMA POPULATION AND EMPLOYMENT MULTI-REGIONAL OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME “FIGHT AGAINST DISCRIMINATION” ESF- (2000-2006) folleto emp n preventing merited and desired permamarket nence in job posts; • a high degree of precariousness; • persistence of non-regulated activities and non-protected employment spelling the absence of labour rights. Despite this situation which could very well be described as d

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FSG Annual Report 2019 (Summary Leaflet)

: Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG)

FSG Annual Report 2019 (Summary Leaflet) Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG) 1 FSG Annual Report s Sección en la que podrás consultar las memorias anuales de las actividades de la Fundación Secretariado Gitano, a nivel estatal y regional. 2020 Informe de actividades Communication 1 The Fundación Secretariado Gitano releases its Annual Report 2019 which provides an overview of the initiatives undertaken in 2019 at Spanish and European level to fulfil its mission: the com G-M2019-infografia-Educacion_en.pdf file:///usr/local/web.fsgg.org/html/upload/91/62/FSG-M2019-infografia-Empleo_en.pdf FSG Annual Report 2019 (Summary Leaflet) PDF 2019 Education Employment Social Advancement Defence of Rights EMPLEO Acceder 19.717 people were suppor LA DIGITAL COURSES 6.007 people receiving basic services 2.557 minors and families 2.208 Roma Women and 1.091 Roma men involved in activities to raise awareness of gender issues 1.305 women on socio-personal and pre-employment journeys 250 families receiving housing assis

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Guía sobre discriminación interseccional

: Redacción y coordinación, Tania Sordo Ruz, Departamento de Igualdad y Lucha contra la Discriminación de la FSG; con la colaboración del Grupo de Mujeres Gitanas (GMG) de la FSG

Guía sobre discriminación interseccional El caso de las mujeres gitanas Redacción y coordinación, Tania Sordo Ruz, Departamento de Igualdad y Lucha contra la Discriminación de la FSG; con la colaboración del Grupo de Mujeres Gitanas (GMG) de la FSG 1 Funda ss to Goods and Services: Supermarket 30 Final Reflections and Recommendations 31 Conclusions 32 Bibliography 33 Legal References, Report s, Case Law, Views 40 Decisions of Forced Sterilization against Roma Women 43 Gender Stereotyping 43 01 Introduction A key element the defence of the basic right to equality across Spain, through various lines of action: assisting victims of discrimination and report ing cases of discrimination against Roma people (being a coordinating body for the Service to assist and advise victims of racial a o ensure the effectiveness of the provisions of the present Act and of the integration of the gender perspective in their ordinary activities , public authorities will […] c) Design and introduce the indicators and mechanisms required to ascertain the effect of other varia

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Guía práctica para periodistas

: Fundación Secretariado Gitano

Guía práctica para periodistas Igualdad de trato, medios de comunicación y comunidad gitana Fundación Secretariado Gitano 1 FSG Working materials 2010 Discriminac nation collected by the FSG. 13 Since 2005 (with data from 2004), the Fundación Secretariado Gitano has been publishing the annual report entitled Discrimination and the Roma Community. Between 2004 and 2009, a total of 668 cases of discrimination have been registered ital newspaper readers are likewise scrutinised. Following are 35 cases included in the 2009 Discrimination and the Roma Community report involving the media (information and opinion) and Internet, for the purpose of using real examples to highlight situations where t undamental Rights… In this connection we would stress a recent Resolution of the Council of the European Union (2007) on follow-up activities to the European Year of Equal Opportunities for All - 2007 which states as follows: Media play a key role in combating prejudices

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Making use of European Structural and Investment Funds for Roma Inclusion

: EURoma

Making use of European Structural and Investment Funds for Roma Inclusion A Guide for Local Authorities EURoma 1 EURoma FSG as contributing author 2014 Europa Inclusión social Gitanos International Social Inclusion 1 La Red EURoma publica la guía "¿Có ción. Eurocities: http://www.eurocities.eu/ Grupo de trabajo inclusión de la población gitana: http://www.eurocities.eu/eurocities/ activities /working_groups/Roma-inclusion-task-force&tpl=home FSE grupo de trabajo: http://www.eurocities.eu/eurocities/ activities /working_gro ión. Programa de realojamiento e integración social en Madrid: http://urbact.eu/fileadmin/Projects/Roma_Net/outputs_media/Thematic_ report _rehousing__LC2_Almeria.pdf La integración ayuda a la población gitana a convertirse en miembros de pleno derecho de la sociedad eu

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