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13 results
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The Fundación Secretariado Gitano presents a "Comparative study on the situation of the Roma population in Spain in relation to employment and poverty"

Ferrer, Subdirectora de la Oficina del Alto Comisionado contra la Pobreza Infantil Miguel Laparra, Doctor en Sociología de la Universidad Pública

Published on 24-09-2019 by FSG


The Promociona programme wins a prize at the "Rompe el circulo” (Break the Circle) awards of the High Commissioner against Child Poverty

of Education. Promociona Programme Web del Alto Comisionado contra la Pobreza Infantil (spanish version only) El Alto Comisionado entrega los Premios

Published on 17-06-2022 by FSG


EURoma publication to support the effective inclusion of Roma at the local level by using ESI Funds

ser destinado a luchar contra la exclusión social y la pobreza , lo que incluye a la población gitana como beneficiaria;

Published on 02-10-2014 by FSG


EAPN publica la "Guía práctica sobre los fondos estructurales para las ONG de acción social"

de Europa 2020, especialmente el objetivo de reducción de la pobreza , tanto en los Contratos de Asociación como en los

Published on 06-02-2013 by FSG


Learning by Doing, an initiative which improves the lives of young Roma people through training and employment

población gitana en España en relación al empleo y la pobreza 2018, FSG 2019 Para estas y estos jóvenes, encontrar un

Published on 04-05-2022 by FSG


The Fundación Secretariado Gitano accompanies the UN Rapporteur for extreme poverty in his visits to the Polígono Sur in Seville and the Cañada Real in Madrid

Real (Madrid) Visita al Polígono Sur (Sevilla) Población gitana y pobreza The UN Special Rapporteur for extreme poverty and human rights,

Published on 03-02-2020 by FSG


Commission publishes mid-term review on progress made and challenges ahead in the implementation of the EU framework for National Roma Integration Strategies

gitana de la UE aún se encuentra en riesgo de pobreza , según la Comisión Europea | Huffington Post Escuelas segregadas

Published on 30-08-2017 by FSG


More than one hundred young people participate in the VIII National Meeting of Roma students of the Fundación Secretariado Gitano

alumnado toma la palabra Ernesto Gasco, Alto Comisionado contra la Pobreza Infantil Sara Giménez, presidenta de la FSG

Published on 29-09-2023 by FSG


Minimum Income in Spain must be better adapted to the profile of beneficiary families and generate opportunities for social, educational and employment inclusion

the Roma population in Spai he presentation (in Spanish) pobreza

Published on 19-09-2024 by FSG


The UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights alerts about the situation of the Roma population and asks for an emergency response

rights. Visit to Spain El Gobierno comparte el diagnóstico sobre pobreza de la ONU y asegura que la combatirá a golpe

Published on 11-02-2020 by FSG


The Fundación Secretariado Gitano condemns the continued existence of settlements in Spain with its new campaign

se sumaron a la campaña El Alto Comisionado para la Pobreza Infantil participó en la presentación de la campaña Poster of

Published on 20-10-2022 by FSG


Fundación Secretariado Gitano presents its 2022 Annual Report with a summary of the impact of its work on the lives of thousands of people

training and employment, education, housing, equality and anti-discrimination G-M2022-infografias-Educacion-Promociona-ENG.pdf file:///usr/local/ pobreza -ENG.pdf Annual Report FSG 2022 (in Spanish) EMPLOYMENT Annual

Published on 26-06-2023 by FSG


Educational success, access to employment and the fight against discrimination were the priorities for the Fundación Secretariado Gitano in 2023

on the lives of nearly 38 000 p rg/upload/87/42/FSG-M2023-infografias-Educacion-Promociona-EN.pdf pobreza -EN.pdf Annual report Summary booklet 2023 Summary booklet FSG Annual

Published on 08-07-2024 by FSG