Board of Trustees[editar]
The FSG is governed by a Board of Trustees, currently composed of 17 members coming from different social fields and places. Six of them come from the Roma associative movement, three from the public administration at its distinct territorial levels, and the remaining four from important fields such as academia, information media, Church and banking. In addition, it counts on an Honorary President and a Secretary, whose positions are not executive.
The Board’s work focuses on the definition of the lines of action of the FSG, on monitoring the adequate fulfilment of the FSG’s mission, on managing its resources and on approving the accounts and budgets of each fiscal year.
There are certain commissions or support committees that are entrusted with the permanent examination and monitoring of certain areas of special relevance for the good governance of the organisation: Standing Committee, Audit and Internal Control Committee, Communication and Participation Committee, Campaigns and Awards Committee, and Regulatory Compliance Committee. In addition, FSG has a Code of Conduct, approved by the Board of Trustees, which summarises the various policies in force in the FSG related to the behaviour of individuals and the organisation.
The Board of Trustees holds at least two plenary meetings per year, normally one in June and one in December.
In December 2023, the second biannual meeting of the FSG Board of Trustees took place at the FSG headquarters in Madrid.
The main topic on the agenda of this meeting was the renewal of the Presidency and other FSG positions:
- At the proposal of the Director General, Isidro Rodríguez, the Board of Trustees unanimously approved the appointment of Sara Giménez, until then President of the FSG, as the new Director General;
- The appointment of Jesús Loza, a member of the FSG Board of Trustees since its foundation, as the new President of the FSG;
- The appointment of Antonio Soto as 1st Vice-President of the FSG, until then Secretary of the Board of Trustees;
- The creation of a 2nd Vice-Presidency, to be assumed by Carla Santiago.
- The appointment of Rosalía Guntín as the new Secretary of the Board of Trustees.
- Pilar Heras' request to resign for personal reasons, communicated to the President in her letter dated 11 December 2023.
Pedro Puente
Founder of the Fundación Secretariado Gitano (initially Asociación Secretariado General Gitano), he has been involved in the promotion of the Roma community for more than 50 years. He has been president of the organisation until June 2021.
Jesús Loza Aguirre
He has been a councillor on the Vitoria-Gasteiz City Council, a member of the Basque Parliament, Deputy Minister of Social Affairs of the Basque Government and Government Delegate for the Basque Country (until February 2020). In 2012 he was appointed by the Basque Country President (Lehendakari) as Commissioner for Coexistence and Memory in the Basque Country. He is a doctor by profession.
1st Vicepresident
Antonio Soto
He promotes Roma culture and values, and has been involved in various social commitments and tasks for several years, both with the Roma community and other groups. He is Delegate for Roma Pastoral Care in the Diocese of Asidonia - Jerez. He has been a member of the FSG Board of Trustees since 2004.
2nd Vicepresident
Carlota Santiago Camacho
She has a long professional career in different social entities in Madrid such as the Romí Sersení Association, the El Fanal Association, the Barró Association and, among them, the Gitano Secretariat, where in 1999 she was part of the first promotion of intercultural mediators EMFORMA. She is the President of the Federation Artemisa Network. In May 2019 she was elected Deputy of the Madrid Assembly and in July she joined the Spanish Senate as a senator by autonomous appointment.
Fernando Rey Martínez
Professor of Constitutional Law, advisor to the Advisory Council of Castile and León and president of the Castile and León Regional Committee of UNICEF. He joined the FSG Board of Trustees in 2005 and after a hiatus to assume the presidency of the Council for the Promotion of Equal Treatment and Non-Discrimination on the grounds of Racial or Ethnic Origin, he resumed his position as Trustee in September 2014. From July 2015 to July 2019, he held, as an independent, the position of Minister of Education of the Castile and León Government, a period in which he also left the Board of Trustees, which he rejoined in December 2019.
Jaime Lanaspa
He holds a degree in Economics. He was General Director of the "la Caixa" Foundation and Executive Director of the Obra Social de la Caixa. He is currently Advisor to the Presidency of the "la Caixa" Foundation, President of the Barcelona Office of the Club of Rome, President of RECI (Spanish Network of Intercultural Cities), and President of UNICEF Catalonia.
Antonio Vega Vega
Publicist and speaker, collaborates with various information media. At present, he is entrepreneur in the high-end decoration and hospitality fields in addition to being a columnist for various media. He is active in the cultural and social promotion of Roma men and women, and above all, in the fight against discrimination and negative stereotypes.
Françesc Rodríguez i Burch
Currently Director of VINCLE, an organisation that socio-educational projects. He has been committed to the improvement of the social situation of the Roma people since he initiated his collaboration with the Secretariado Gitano of Barcelona in 1977. He has held positions of responsibility in areas of childhood, Roma and community development in the Catalonia Government (Generalitat of Catalonia).
Isabel Jiménez Cenizo
Teacher and social educator. From 2001 to 2022 she held the position of territorial director of FSG in Aragon. She has received important awards for her career, such as the National Award from the Ministry of Education for the Roma Adult Lifelong Education Team, the UNESCO King Sejong Honourable Mention and the Golden Sabina of Aragon to women for their life or professional career.
Eustaquia Cortés Sillero
Born in Córdoba in 1975, she is the daughter of the late Antonio Cortés, “El Payito”, who participated in the beginnings of the Secretariats and in the constitution of the Asociación Secretariado General Gitano. Graduated in Biology and Enology from the University of Córdoba, she is the first gypsy woman oenologist in Andalusia
Julián de Olmo García
He has a long career in journalism, especially linked to religious and social programmes on RTVE. He has been a member of the FSG Board of Trustees since 2003, to which he brings his extensive knowledge of the world of the media. He has received numerous awards for his career, including several Bravo! awards and the Manos Unidas Special Award.
Enrique Llano Cueto
Economist from the University of Bilbao and Jury of Accounts Censor. He has worked in private companies such as Deloitte Haskins and Sells (currently Deloitte & Touch) of which he has been a member of the Members Council. He has worked as an auditor in prestigious companies and is currently an independent director of several companies.
Carmen García de Andrés
She has developed her professional career as a business advisor until 2008, the year in which she joined the NGO Tomillo as CEO and of which she is currently its president. She is part of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Association of Foundations (AEF) and since 2017 she is an independent Director of Telefónica, S.A.
Rosalía Guntín Ubiergo
Psychologist, expert in themes related to Structural Funds, especially the European Social Fund. She has developed her professional life both in the public and private fields, of a European dimension and related to the social inclusion of disadvantaged groups and to the fight against discrimination. In addition to her membership in the FSG since its creation, she is currently participating actively as volunteer in Cepaim and the EAPN network. She forms part of various consultative and directive organisms of diverse European and Spanish councils, forums, observatories and networks in representation of the latter, including the Board of Directors of the Platform of the Third Sector and the Eunomad Network.