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Empleando Digital+[editar]

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  • Scope: Estatal
  • Work areas: Innovación
  • Technology is transforming the labour market. Not only because more and more digital skills are needed to find a job, but also because of the emergence of new professional profiles directly related to the technological world. 

    Empleando Digital is an innovation project related to labour market inclusion developed by Fundación Secretariado Gitano and the Spanish Red Cross in collaboration with Fundación Accenture and co-financed by the European Social Fund. The aim of this initiative is to improve the employability of people at risk of social exclusion, so that they are not left out of the job opportunities offered by digitalised work environments.

    In two intervention periods, the project has contributed to improving the employability of almost 10,000 people throughout Spain (more than 50% of them women).

    • Empleando Digital Project - "Socio-labour pathways from analogue to digital" (2017- 2019).
    • Project #EmpleandoDigital+ - "Digital transformation in the labour inclusion of vulnerable groups" (2020-2023)
  • Lines of action of the #EmpleandoDigital+ project:

    • Specialisation of our professionals in the approach to technological and digital employment through market analysis and specialised prospecting with the aim of promoting the incorporation of people in social disadvantage into the digital transformation market.
    • Improving the professional skills for the technology sector of the most vulnerable groups, designing and developing training actions in emerging occupations (non-technological occupations but linked to the development of the technology sector) and in technological occupations, with a commitment to provide access to quality jobs. 
    • Creation of a Common Framework of Digital Competences for professionals of employment working with vulnerable groups, based on the European Digital Competence Framework for Citizens, DigComp 2.2, with the aim of improving the profile of the professional teams of all the entities that work for the labour market inclusion of groups in special vulnerability, adapting their digital competences to the needs detected.
    • Systematise a blended learning methodology for guidance and accompaniment to employment that facilitates, through technology, the active participation of women facing special social difficulties (lack of support networks for work-life balance or geographical isolation).