The Promociona programme of the Fundación Secretariado Gitano has been able to respond to the educational inequality increased due to COVID-19 crisis
The Promociona programme of the Fundación Secretariado Gitano has been able to respond to the educational inequality increased due to COVID-19 crisis 185 Roma students participating in Promociona obtain their school graduation in Compulsory Secondary Educa tion level (ESO). FSG Educación 1 Education Promociona is the programme of the Fundación Secretariado Gitano that aims to promote the school success of Roma youth and their continuity i towns in Spain. Success at school of Roma students is possible Promociona is an educational orientation program for young Roma and their families that seeks the academic success of Ro ENG_DEF_ PROMOCIONA _121697_.jpg Promociona celebrated 10 years working for the educational success of Roma girls and boys21.10.2019 Programa PROMOCIONA (YouTube) Promociona during State of Alarm (YouTube) FSG Roma Ambassadors for Education during the Covid-19 crisis (You
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by FSG
24 Roma students from the Promociona+ programme take the EBAU [university entrance exams]
24 Roma students from the Promociona + programme take the EBAU [university entrance exams] The number of Promociona + students has grown exponentially, from 145 to 448 participants in four years FSG Educación 1 Education National leve l 24 young Roma students from 15 Spanish cities participating in the Promociona + educational programme organised by Fundación Secretariado Gitano are taking the EBAU exams this month Successful results Ambassadors for education. These initiatives are contributing to a growing pool of educational role models in the Roma community. Promociona + is another step forward in guaranteeing the right to education for young Roma men and women. The inequality gap at h jpg 24 jóvenes gitanos en la EBAU: "Espero ser el primer universitario de mi familia" | Europa Press Más de 20 jóvenes gitanos del programa ‘ Promociona +’ se presentan a la EBAU | Servimedia El programa Promociona + lleva a la EBAU a más de veinte estudiantes
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by FSG
Promociona celebrated 10 years working for the educational success of Roma girls and boys
Promociona celebrated 10 years working for the educational success of Roma girls and boys The Fundación Secretariado Gitano presents the results of a decade of its educational support and orientation program FSG 1 Education Acción I ct of celebrating Ten years have passed since the start of Promociona , a program launched by the Fundación Secretariado Gitano in 2009 to combat school failure and dropout in Comp ulsory Secondary Education and facilitate continuity in studies. " Promociona helps me to have more desire to study and move forward," says María Fernández Flores, former student of the program.Pr ived the National Education Award. Más de 1.000 jóvenes gitanos logran el título de la ESO en los últimos 10 años con la ayuda del programa ' Promociona '. Europa Press El porcentaje de población gitana con estudios se ha triplicado. Diario Córdoba Carcedo destaca la apue
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by FSG
FSG´s programme `Promociona awarded with National Prize of Education 2016
FSG´s programme ` Promociona awarded with National Prize of Education 2016 The Fundación Secretariado Gitano programme " Promociona ", has been awarded the National Prize of Education 2016, in the category of Entities for the educational promotion. A rec have obtained the title of Secondary School, and of them, 89% have continued post-compulsory studies. The results of the Promociona program have shown that with support tailored to the educational needs of Roma children, they can successfully complete their basi c education and access post-compulsory education. Results that support the recognition of Promociona Miriam, an example of school success The Fundación Secretariado Gitano Informe Anual FSG 2016 Programa Promociona (spanish) Promociona 2015/2016 outcomes promociona .html
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by FSG
A delegation of European NGOs pay us a visit to learn about our work in employment and education
A delegation of European NGOs pay us a visit to learn about our work in employment and education From 26 to 29 March, FSG hosted a fact-finding visit as part of the “Find your way into the world of work” project FSG Voluntariado 201904 ational centres that collaborate with FSG and a stop at the Inventors Club of the NGO Creatica. The latter hosts students from the Promociona programme, where they are introduced to digital creation and encouraged to develop their own technology-based projects. As part of the visits, participants had the opportunity to talk with counsellors, teachers and Promociona students. Additionally, a Business Round Table was organised where companies collaborating in the Acceder programme (ISS Fa ang="en-GB"> (Bulgaria), Cáritas Rumania (Romania) and Fundación Secretariado Gitano (Spain). Visita de ONG europeas al Programa Promociona Madrid-Villaverde
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by FSG
In 2017 the FSG will roll out programmes in 12 Autonomous Communities with support from the IRPF
In 2017 the FSG will roll out programmes in 12 Autonomous Communities with support from the IRPF funding for “Activities of General Interest considered also to be of Social Interest” approved for 2017 FSG 1 Educatio the aim, among others, of achieving the following in 2017: In the area of employment access ( Programa Acceder), the FSG will support 16,000 people (60% of whom will be under the age of 30) and will achieve sessions with 4,000 people trained. In the area of education, the FSG will develop the Programa Promociona (Promotional Programme) in 46 cities, with the objective of achieving educational success for Roma boys and gi graduate from secondary school. Furthermore the FSG plans to organise 14 Regional Meetings for students from this Promociona Programme, their families and educators. IRPF funding will enable the FSG to award grants for continuing middle a
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The Macedonian Minister of Employment visited the FSG headquarters to study the transfer of the Acceder programme
The Macedonian Minister of Employment visited the FSG headquarters to study the transfer of the Acceder programme FSG Internacional 1 International The Minister of Labor and Social Policy of Macedonia, Mila Carovska, accompanied approach for the inclusion of Roma people with other programs such as Promociona , or the Calí programme for m/watch?v=XY1MZnA7D98& programa -empleo-acceder-insercion-social-laboral-jovenes-gitanos
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A survey conducted by the Fundación Secretariado Gitano warns that the fundamental right to education is not sufficiently guaranteed in the case of Roma youth
A survey conducted by the Fundación Secretariado Gitano warns that the fundamental right to education is not sufficiently guaranteed in the case of Roma youth Roma students in secondary education: a comparative survey FSG Educación dents”.Roma can and want to study as proven by the FSG's after school support and tutoring programme called ' Promociona '. During the 2012-2013 school year, 73.5% of Roma students in their fourth (last) year of compulsory secondary school succ at Roma students can and want to study and the results of our after-school support and tutoring programme called ' Promociona ' bear witness to that fact.Ms. Suárez added that “ Promociona not only engages Roma students but also the others invol ida de IRPF destinada a entidades sociales, el Ministerio de Educación Cultura y Deporte, el Fondo Social Europeo, en el marco del Programa Operativo Plurirregional de Lucha contra la Discriminación 2007-2013 y UNICEF Comité Español. 7 1 Exceptuando las CCAA de Baleares
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