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A survey conducted by the Fundación Secretariado Gitano warns that the fundamental right to education is not sufficiently guaranteed in the case of Roma youth

A survey conducted by the Fundación Secretariado Gitano warns that the fundamental right to education is not sufficiently guaranteed in the case of Roma youth Roma students in secondary education: a comparative survey FSG Educación hlights that this is not happening in the case of young Roma. At the presentation of the survey Isidro Rodríguez, director de l del a FSG, said that “It is up to the government administrations to find a solution to this pr SECUNDARIA UN ESTUDIO COMPARADO Resumen ejecutivo EL ALUMNADO GITANO EN SECUNDARIA Un estudio comparado Catálogo de publicaciones del Ministerio: Catálogo general de publicaciones oficiales: Autoría: Fundación Secretar SECRETARÍA GENERAL TÉCNICA Subdirección General de Documentación y Publicaciones Coedita: FUNDACIÓN SECRETARIADO GITANO http://www. gitanos .org NIPO papel: 030-13-310-2 NIPO en línea: 030-13-309-X Depósito legal: M-33153-2013 Imprime: Solana e hijos, Artes Gráficas, S.A

Published on 28-11-2013 by FSG


The Fundación Secretariado Gitano presents a "Comparative study on the situation of the Roma population in Spain in relation to employment and poverty"

The Fundación Secretariado Gitano presents a "Comparative study on the situation of the Roma population in Spain in relation to employment and poverty" FSG 1 Employment Social Inclusion The strong inequality Roma population in Spain, its comparison with the Spanish population as a whole following the EPA (Spanish Labour Force Survey) mo del and its temporal evolution. The lack of disaggregated data in the general employment or social situation indicators makes invisibl y for what it means to generate resources for families, but because it implies coexistence, knowledge and breakdown of many negativ e ste este reotypes regarding the Roma population. In addition to the quantitative study of the main demographic and socio-labour char tle="Comparative study on the situation of the Roma population in Spain in terms of employment and poverty 2018" href="https://www. gitanos .org/upload_priv/69/16/Executive_Report-Comparative_Study_Situation_of_Roma_Population_Spain__employment_and_poverty_.pdf"> link</a

Published on 24-09-2019 by FSG


EURoma publication to support the effective inclusion of Roma at the local level by using ESI Funds

EURoma publication to support the effective inclusion of Roma at the local level by using ESI Funds FSG 1 International The EURoma Network (European Network on Social Inclusion and Roma under the Structural Funds) releases the gu local level, that is, to their beneficiaries, including the Roma population.The central aim of this guide is to provide gui del ines and practical suggestions to local authorities on the use of the Structural Funds for Roma inclusion at the local level. It co ¿Cómo utilizar los Fondos Estructurales y de Inversión Europeos para la inclusión de l del a población gitana? Guía para autoridades locales Datos de contacto: Secretaría Técnica: C/ Ahijones, s/n 28018 Madrid (España) Te e cada Estado Miembro de EURoma y la responsabilidad del contenido recae exclusivamente en los autores. © Eva Parey El original de este informe se elaboró en inglés, la versión española es una traducción del inglés. ¿CÓMO UTILIZAR LOS FONDOS ESTRUCTURALES Y DE INVER

Published on 02-10-2014 by FSG


Learning by Doing, an initiative which improves the lives of young Roma people through training and employment

Learning by Doing, an initiative which improves the lives of young Roma people through training and employment 55% of trainees have been hired and 87% of participants say it has improved their lives FSG 1 Employment National level Learning by Doing because I wanted to get trai unched by the Fundación Secretariado Gitano ten years ago, as part of their training and employment programme Acceder, with the aim of promoting the employment of young Roma signed and implemented by two NGOs, the Spanish Red Cross and Fundación Secretariado Gitano. It was similar to the dual training mo del emerging at the time, but adapted for young people without basic academic qualifications. According to Sara Parra, head of the Ser

Published on 04-05-2022 by FSG


We condemn the anti-Roma attacks suffered by some Roma families in Peal de Becerro (Jaén) after the alleged murder of a young man from the town

We condemn the anti-Roma attacks suffered by some Roma families in Peal de Becerro (Jaén) after the alleged murder of a young man from the town At the Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG) we wish to express our outrage at this crime and we send the deceased ed against the Roma community when a criminal act may have been committed by one of its members, as seen in incidents occurring in Este pa, Castellar, Martos and most recently el Pozo. This type of ethnic identification is only made in the case of Roma people, who th or criminal acts which some of its members are suspected of committing. We will express our concern to the governmental sub- del egation by means of a letter, expressly requesting protection for the Roma families living in Peal de Becerro who are affected by t panish) upload/91/73/FSG_Statement_Peal_ del _Becerro.pdf file:///usr/local/ gitanos _Peal_de_Becerro_2.pdf We protest to the Provincial Prosecutor of Hate Crimes regarding the situation of antigypsyism suffered by s

Published on 19-07-2022 by FSG


"A thousand reasons to know Roma women, a thousand reasons to defend the rights of all women"

"A thousand reasons to know Roma women, a thousand reasons to defend the rights of all women" Release from the group of Roma Women of The Fundación Secretariado Gitano, March 8. International Women´s Day 2019 Grupo Mujer Gitana (GMG) de l del a FSG 2019030 8 1 Equal treatment Comunicado del Grupo de Mujeres Gitanas de l del a Fundación Secretariado Gitano8 de marzo. Día Internacional de l del a Mujeres 2019 Flashmob de l del as mujeres participantes de l del os programas y compañeras de trabajo de l del a FSG. One more year the Group of Roma Women of the Fundación Secretariado Gitano, alo art of society, to contribute, to decide, in short, to contribute to the construction of a common social mo del for all. Thes e ste este reotypes also prevent us from being seen as we want, as we really are, that is, as professionals, as students, as university stude

Published on 08-03-2019 by FSG


The Fundación Secretariado Gitano welcomes the Communication of the European Commission on an EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies

The Fundación Secretariado Gitano welcomes the Communication of the European Commission on an EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies 1 International The Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG) considers that the La Comisión Europea (CE) dio el martes, 5 de abril, un paso fundamental en pro de l del a inclusión de l del a población gitana en Europa al presentar el Marco que pide a los Veintisiete desarrollar estrategias a largo plaz o para la integración de l del a comunidad gitana, la mayor minoría de Europa, con 12 millones de personas. La Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG) conside ra que este Marco supone un avance fundamental en pro de l del a inclusión de l del a comunidad gitana ya que solicita a los Estados miembros que presen

Published on 07-04-2011 by FSG


ECRI's 4th report on Spain highlights significant progress in the fight against discrimination

ECRI's 4th report on Spain highlights significant progress in the fight against discrimination 1 The European Commission ag propósito de supervisar cuestiones relativas al racismo y la intolerancia, acaba de publicar su cuarto informe sobre la situación del racismo y de l del a intolerancia en" onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'" ve years in Spain. The ECRI report notes that the Spanish government has inv este d substantial financial and human resources to combat discrimination and racism. S<span style="background-color: #fff;"

Published on 09-02-2011 by FSG


The FSG denounces the discrimination suffered by the Roma population in the 2016 Annual Report “Discrimination and Roma Community”

The FSG denounces the discrimination suffered by the Roma population in the 2016 Annual Report “Discrimination and Roma Community” The report includes information regarding legislative progresses in the fight against discrimination, recent juri seminating how discrimination operates. It includes cases of discrimination against Roma assisted by the FSG (Click here to see the previous reports). This is not an exhaustive s or in the access to goods and services, with particular reference to the cases of attacks to Roma families in Castellar (Jaén) and Este pa (Sevilla). Those could constitute hate crimes against the Roma community. In addition, it includes discrimination cases that too of discriminatory content and publications some of those responsible for monitoring social networks respond in a positive way and del ete that content. However, in some serious cases such as websites that publish content that could constitute hate crime against the

Published on 20-02-2017 by FSG