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EURoma publication to support the effective inclusion of Roma at the local level by using ESI Funds

EURoma publication to support the effective inclusion of Roma at the local level by using ESI Funds FSG 1 International The EURoma Network (European Network on Social Inclusion and Roma un de r the Structural Funds) releases the gu i de “Making use of European Structural and Investment Funds for Roma inclusion. A Gui de for local authorities& #8221;. Local institutions play a crucial role in the implementation of Roma integration strategies, as they are the ones de aling directly with Roma issues. An effective implementation of a national policy at local level implies specific and concrete meas ición de los Estados Miembros, para diseñar y poner en marcha políticas de stinadas a mejorar la cohesión social y a reducir las de s igualdad es de ntro de la UE. En consecuencia, en muchos países, los Fondos Estructurales y de Inversión Europeos son una gran oportunidad pa

Published on 02-10-2014 by FSG


Learning by Doing, an initiative which improves the lives of young Roma people through training and employment

Learning by Doing, an initiative which improves the lives of young Roma people through training an d e de mployment 55% of trainees have been hired and 87% of participants say it has improved their lives FSG 1 Employment National level Learning by Doing because I wanted to get training and get a job”. This is the st Roma doesn’t mean I can’t do it”. María took part in Learning by Doing in Madrid, with the company Brico De pot. “I go to work really happy, it’s a place I love, I´m surroun de d by lovely people. They´ve treated me lik poniendo en marcha acciones específicas para situar a quienes lo tienen más difícil en el mismo punto de partida, se garantiza la igualdad de oportunidades ante el empleo, contribuyendo a construir una sociedad más igualitaria y cohesionada. / 6 APREN DE R TRABAJANDO Ini

Published on 04-05-2022 by FSG


"A thousand reasons to know Roma women, a thousand reasons to defend the rights of all women"

"A thousand reasons to know Roma women, a thousand reasons to de fend the rights of all women" Release from the group of Roma Women of The Fundación Secretariado Gitano, March 8. International Women´s Day 2019 Grupo Mujer Gitana (GMG) de la FSG 2019030 8 1 Equal treatment Comunicado de l Grupo de Mujeres Gitanas de la Fundación Secretariado Gitano8 de marzo. Día Internacional de la Mujeres 2019 Flashmob de la s mujeres participantes de los programas y compañeras de trabajo de la FSG. One more year the Group of Roma Women of the Fundación Secretariado Gitano, al , galardonada con el Premio “Violeta-Carme Chacón” en su X edición, en reconocimiento de su trayectoria en favor de la igualdad Las mujeres gitanas a de más de sufrir machismo sufren racismo. FSG Navarra FSG Murcia planifica el 8 de marzo en Puertolumbreras FS

Published on 08-03-2019 by FSG


A survey conducted by the Fundación Secretariado Gitano warns that the fundamental right to education is not sufficiently guaranteed in the case of Roma youth

A survey conducted by the Fundación Secretariado Gitano warns that the fundamental right to education is not sufficiently guaranteed in the case of Roma youth Roma stu de nts in secondary education: a comparative survey FSG Educación 1 Education The survey highlights the wi de gap between Roma and non-Roma stu de nts: the dropout rate is 51 percentage points higher.Th e school failure rate among Roma stu de nts is de vastatingly high. According to the survey, 64% of Roma stu de nts between the ages of 16 and 24 fail to com nómicos Tomillo (CEET) Trabajo de campo: Fundación Secretariado Gitano Financiado por: Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad Centro Nacional de Innovación e Investigación Educativa (CNIIE) UNICEF Comité Español Fondo Social Europeo MINISTERIO DE EDUCACIÓN

Published on 28-11-2013 by FSG


The Fundación Secretariado Gitano presents the first desk that fights school dropout

The Fundación Secretariado Gitano presents the first de sk that fights school dropout "The Roma school de sk", new awareness campaign of the FSG 1 Communication Education The objective is to sensitize society and public a uthorities to work on measures that ensure equal real opportunities for Roma stu de nts. 6 out of every 10 Roma girls and boys leave before completing the Compulsory Secondary School, compared to 2 out 10 of the general population. Among many factors that cause this situation is the absence of referents, low expectations and confi de nce in their abilities or school segregation. With “The Roma school de sk”, the Fundación Secretariado Git ia de l pueblo gitano será obligatorio en el currículo. La Moncloa El ‘pupitre gitano’ que simboliza la “falta de oportunidades y de igualdad ” de l colectivo. La Voz de l Sur Celaá anuncia que incluirá la historia de l pueblo gitano en el currículo obliga

Published on 12-09-2019 by FSG


The Fundación Secretariado Gitano presents a "Comparative study on the situation of the Roma population in Spain in relation to employment and poverty"

The Fundación Secretariado Gitano presents a "Comparative study on the situation of the Roma population in Spain in relation to employment and poverty" FSG 1 Employment Social Inclusion The strong inequality social rights in relation to the population as a whole, among the main conclusions. Poverty an d e de xclusion affect more than 80% of the Roma population and 46% are extremely poor; the child poverty rate stands at 89%; the unemplo yment rate among the Roma population is 52%; Only 17% of the Roma population over 16 have complete d E de SO studies or higher. This is the third specific study prepared by the FSG (the previous ones are from 2 cto al empleo respon de a la necesidad de contar con datos de sagregados por etnia que nos permitan conocer la situación de grave de s igualdad que afecta a las personas gitanas respecto al conjunto de la población y orientar mejor las respuestas políticas para garantizar l

Published on 24-09-2019 by FSG