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April 8th, International Roma Day 2021

April 8 th, International Roma Day 2021 The Fundación Secretariado Gitano joins the celebration with a tribute to ol de r Roma people, a fundamental pillar of families, men and women who have known how to transmit the values and pri de of Roma i de ntity to diff erent generations. FSG 2021040 8 2021040 8 000000 1 Acción Institucional Communication National level Today April 8 th we welcome another International Roma Day to g with a red wheel and the hymn Gelem, This 50th anniversary celebration comes after more than a year of pan de mic, in which Roma families, like so many others, have suffered the loss of loved ones, but have also seen a worsening of social an SECRETARIADO GITANO International Roma Day - 8 April 2021 &# 8 220;PRI DE , RESPECT AND GRATITU DE &# 8 221; upload/73/49/Comunicado_ 8 _ de _ abril _2021.eng.pdf Dossier April 8 (press releases and other international, Naional, regional and local links from April 8 , 2021) Spanis

Published on 08-04-2021 by FSG


Educational success, access to employment and the fight against discrimination were the priorities for the Fundación Secretariado Gitano in 2023

Educational success, access to employment and the fight against discrimination were the priorities for the Fundación Secretariado Gitano in 2023 The Annual Report presented by FSG inclu de s a summary of the impact of its work on the lives of nearly 3 8 000 p eople. FSG 2024070 8 2024070 8 000000 1 Acción Institucional Communication National level Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG) has presented its Annual aper and pdf (soon to be published in English), and a vi de o with the main results of its activity. Fundación Secretariado Gitano is a national NGO with offices in 14 regions in S ás real y diversa. Consultas al Centro Documentación 95.000 Seguidores en Re de s Sociales estatales EVOLUCIÓN 2010-2023 Cartel 8 de abril -Día Internacional de l Pueblo Gitano 2023 De nunciamos la de sigualda d e de ducativa de l alumnado gitano y reclamamos la #Equida dE ducati

Published on 08-07-2024 by FSG


The FSG joins Amnesty International in Brussels to urge the EU to end discrimination towards Roma

The FSG joins Amnesty International in Brussels to urge the EU to end discrimination towards Roma Coinciding with the celebration of the International Roma Day, 8 April 2013 FSG 1 Equal treatment The FSG was in Brussels on the 8 th and 9th of April together with Amnesty International and the rest of the organisations that form part of the European Roma Polic y Coalition (ERPC) to urge the EU to finally assume its responsibility and put an end to the wi de spread discrimination experienced by Roma in the 27 EU Member States through the campaign "Human Rights Here, Roma Rights N Brussels in which Belén Sánchez-Rubio will participate in representation of the FSG-ERPC. upload/06/61/Nota_Prensa_Bruselas_ 8 _ de _ abril .pdf file:///usr/local/ 8 7/Hearing__agenda_-_Discrimination_of_Roma_in_Europe_FINAL_050413.pdf Further i

Published on 05-04-2013 by FSG


In the face of Salvini's antigypsy hate speech: the rule of law, respect for human rights, mobilization and common decency

In the face of Salvini's antigypsy hate speech: the rule of law, respect for human rights, mobilization and common de cency Fundación Secretariado Gitano press release Fundación Secretariado Gitano 201 8 0619 201 8 0619000000 1 International Equal treatment &# 8 220;The European Union can not remain silent and inactive in the face of these serious de clarations by the new Italian Interior Min ister. The European Institutions must make use of the available mechanisms to penalize these de clarations. We must de fend the framework of fundamental rights that we have endowed ourselves with as European citizens" CÓRDOBA: 26th of JUNE, 20.30H AT PLAZA DE LAS TENDILLAS. MURCIA. 26th of JUNE, 11.00H, AT CALLE 8 DE ABRIL , DE L BARRIO DE LA PAZ. GRANADA: 26th of JUNE, 20.00H, AT PLAZA DE L CARMEN. BARCELONA: 27th

Published on 19-06-2018 by FSG