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The Fundación Secretariado Gitano participates as a partner in the final closing conference of "Find your way to the world of work project" [editar]

The project is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment and has been executed during the years 2018-2023

FSG Internacional

The Fundación Secretariado Gitano participates as a partner in the final closing conference of

Closing conference of the FIND project, which has been developed with partners from 4 European countries.

The partners of the project are Autonomia Foundation (leader) from Hungary, Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG) from Spain, Association “Cáritas - Asistencia Social”, Branch of Organization Cáritas Alba Iulia from Romania, Trust for Social Achievement Foundation and Arete Youth Foundation, both from Bulgaria.

The closing event of the European FIND YOUR WAY TO THE WORLD OF WORK Project took place on March 23 and 24 in Budapest (Hungary), the country of the Project's leading partner. The event was divided into two parts: a closing conference open to relevant actors to present the activities carried out within the framework of the Project and to discuss some key issues identified; and a closed part for the project partners, which included an operational meeting and a study visit organized by the Hungarian partners.

In the framework of the closing conference, the partners of the project had the opportunity to present to a wide audience the actions carried out in their respective countries within the framework of this project that since 2018 has sought to support the equal access to quality education and employment of disadvantaged youth (aged 15 to 29) in 4 European countries (Bulgaria, Spain, Hungary and Romania).

From the FSG, in line with the work we carry out from the Department of Education, the main objective has been to promote better access and completion of Compulsory Secondary Education by students and thus facilitate educational return for those profiles that needed it, emphasizing post-compulsory education and vocational training, as well as the transition from school to work. In this context, we have had the opportunity to develop the Foundation's methodology and tools, and especially the Promociona+ Program, that have accompanied and promoted the educational trajectories in post-compulsory studies of almost 200 people.

At the closing conference, FSG representatives emphasized the need to promote higher education among the Roma community, as well as the pillars of our intervention. Participants were presented with the strategic importance that the entity gives to educational success in post-compulsory stages. The transition from a highly tested methodology in compulsory stages and its nuances to continue being successful in Promociona+, the importance of working with families and schools, were evident, mentoring with companies and among equals, accompaniment and vocational guidance, as well as training in soft skills and the empowerment and reinforcement of their identity as positive models within the Roma community.

In addition, two student-participants of the Project had the opportunity to tell their experiences first-hand, share what the project has meant, reflect on the importance of offering spaces for discussion, publicize educational success stories and become benchmarks.

A video about the final conference will be available shortly, subtitled in English.


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