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Final closing conference of the project FIND YOUR WAY TO THE WORLD OF WORK [editar]

The project is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment and has been executed during the years 2018-2023.

FSG Internacional

Final closing conference of the project FIND YOUR WAY TO THE WORLD OF WORKThe closing of the project will take place on March 23-24 in Budapest (Hungary), the country of the project's lead partner. Throughout these years we have sought to support equal access to quality education and employment for disadvantaged young people (15 to 29 years old) in 4 European countries (Hungary, Spain, Romania, Bulgaria). The main objective has been to promote better access and completion of compulsory secondary education by our students and to facilitate the educational return for those profiles that needed it, emphasizing post-compulsory education and professional training, as well as the transition from school to work.

In this final conference, together with the other partners, we will present how, with whom and in what way we have worked from the different locations where we have executed the project. Therefore, attendees and those who work with young people in the fields of education, employment or development and empowerment of skills, will benefit from this event that will provide them with many tools and best practices. We will present different working methodologies, tools to support the education and employment of the participants, and the results obtained. In addition to presentations, some workshops and cultural events will be held.

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