During the 2013/2014 school year, 158 students have completed compulsory education, 524 since the beginning of the programme.
Despite the consequences of the economic crisis, that is affecting many Spanish families, Promociona students have responded more than satisfactorily; 158 students have completed compulsory education (the 77.4% of the Promociona students in their last year of compulsory education) and 88.6% of these students continued on to post-compulsory studies.
Promociona is our main educational support and guidance programme for Roma youth and their families. It aims to raise the academic success rate among Roma students during the last two years of primary school and during compulsory secondary school, to prevent early school leaving and promote perseverance in post-compulsory studies. Nowadays, the rate of early school-leavers of Roma students is 63, 7%.
To that end it works with the different education professionals, students themselves, families, schools and other educators and social workers. During the 2013/2014 school year, the FSG has implemented the Promociona Programme in 38 cities in 13 different regions, providing counselling and tutoring to over 1.148 families, has collaborated closely with 325 schools and provided quality tutoring to 1.357 students, the vast majority having been in one of our 88 Promociona classrooms.
The figures speak for themselves: the 76 % of the Promociona students within of the 2013/2014 school year managed a successful transition to secondary compulsory education, passing all of their subjects.
Within counselling activities, it is worth mentioning mentoring actions, designed to foster motivation of Promociona students through their learning pathway. Thanks to these actions, students in the last year of compulsory studies have the possibility to discover how one day in the profession of their dreams is. Over 40 students have enjoyed this initiative that has been developed in close collaboration with 40 companies.
Priority is placed on group formation through Promociona classrooms aimed at reinforcing academic support and at complementing the Individualized Intervention Plan, addressed to reinforce the acquisition of skills focusing on learning habits, rhythms and rules conducive to the formal educational inclusion of young people and their continuation and permanence in the education system. During the 2013/2014 school year, 100 Promociona classrooms have been put in place; 1.132 students have taken part after school hours, organized in 165 groups of 7 to 10 people.
Other key factor involved in the excellent results of the programme is the close collaboration between the professionals carrying out Promociona actions, the educational counsellors, teachers, and the schools where Promociona actions are being developed, 385 schools, 78 more than the previous year.
The Promociona programme was initiated during the 2008-2009 school year with the support of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports and the European Social Fund. Since then, 524 students have completed compulsory education, continuing some of them on to post-compulsory studies.