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Cases of discrimination. Conclusions and recommendations

Conclusions and recommendations

In addition to the areas analysed in this section of the report, the Fundación Secretariado Gitano believes that the

following recommendations should be borne in mind if we are to make headway in the defence of non-discrimination

against the Roma community:



The fight against discrimination and hate crime against the Roma

community should be a priority on the agenda of all political

parties as this is a human rights issue.


Spain should have an independent equality body as called for in

Directive 2000/43/EC.


Spain needs a comprehensive equality act because discriminatory

acts that are not criminal offences also need to be addressed.

IV. National, European and international anti-discrimination legislation

must be legally enforced.

V. Victims of ethnic discrimination need to be informed, advised and

accompanied throughout the process of defending their rights,

including defence before the courts.

VI. It is absolutely essential that victims be able to trust the system

as it responds to the violation of their right to equality and they

should be adequately compensated.

VII. The police protocols adopted to fight discrimination and hate

crimes should be applied, data should be collected and cases

detected should be investigated and prosecuted with particular

attention placed on the discriminatory component.

VIII. Key professionals in this field (police forces, prosecutors, lawyers,

judges, social organisations working with victims, etc.) should be

trained and work in a coordinated fashion.

IX. Training and social awareness-raising activities should be

undertaken to help break down prejudices and stereotypes

against the Roma community.


Authorities responsible for promoting equality between women

and men should develop specific actions to promote non-

discrimination of Roma women, paying special attention to their

diverse social image.

XI. In the case of flagrant acts of anti-Gypsyism, it is vital that all

organisations advocating equality, together with political leaders,

publicly show their forceful rejection of this sort of behaviour.