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Discrimination and the Roma Community 2014

Here are some examples of the material they publish:

“It seems that the Gypsies were born into the world for the sole purpose of becoming thieves: their

parents are thieves, they grow up with thieves, they study to be thieves and finally they end up be-

coming common, everyday thieves; and they’ll just keep on stealing until the day they die.”

- Excerpt from the novel “The Gypsy Girl” by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

From the urban tribes of the world series:


Example of the tribe

The patriarch in all his glory


Under the bridge


what’s this payo?

Favourite phrase

Gimme some money, payo


Too much for you, payo


bright metals


If they you ask for something, give

it to them...

Dark-skinned people with social power comparable to that of the Pharaohs of Alexandria, equipped

for guerrilla warfare. You will always find them in groups of at least three making them a team or gang

ready to take on any pair of Guardia Civil.

All Gypsies are cousins according to their gospel, and if you have a run-in with any of them, even in

self-defence (about a 99% chance of that), you’ll have to contend with all of their cousins

ready to

attack you with any utensil they have on hand (usually broomsticks and knives, although it is now

fashionable to use guns taken from the cops). They come from Egypt, and hence their name, Egiptanos.

Three out of five canis believe they are gypsies or mestizos (the other two wish they were).

It’s easy to distinguish them from all other inhabitants of the city by their dark complexion, their unmis-

takable aroma, their jewellery, pendants, earrings and everything else imaginable made of gold or brass,

and their particular way of speaking (language: Ogrish). (Example: MA, that of the A Team).


They are classified into different groups, in this hierarchical order:


Patriarch / Patriháaarca /: (Progenitor Gypsy Mathusalem Gitanil or PGM) current whereabouts un-

known. Any gypsy who makes it to age 60, or to age 65 if for some strange reason he serves

prison time, becomes a patriarch and wields absolute power. He’s the equivalent of an absolute

monarch in the payo world.


Father / Páaaapa /: Dominant male of each clan. They come ready-trained and mainly engage in

street vending, driving their dilapidated vans and procreation.


Mother / Máaaama /: Intercourse partner of the dominant male or Father, physically resembles a

cross between an Orc of Mordor and Marujita Díaz. Their weight is always between 90 and 160

kilos. She is responsible for giving birth, cooking, cleaning the house, keeping the pups alive and

serving Father as if she were a maid or servant. She also often goes on missions to find lost items,

such as handbags and wallets, and to bother payos in parks trying to read their palms or sell them

roses. When Father isn’t home, it’s the Mama who takes charge of the family “business”.


Tano / Tano /: Elite unit, between 20 and 35 years old, comparable to a Summon of Final Fantasy

VII. They are skilled in handling knives and guns, as well as in the art of magic and high-speed driv-

ing and are also very experienced in battle.


Cousin / Príiimo /: The scourge of youth, between the ages of 12 and 20. This is the last stage of

training for Gypsies. During this period, they get to know other local young people, their network

of contacts expands, they begin to offer their services as bodyguards for the weakest members

for a small fee, they sharpen their first knives and cause a raucous in the discotheques.


Chele / Cheli /: The neonates of the clan, ages 5 to 12. This is the age at which they begin to go

out, start smoking, get their first piercing and earn a nickname which they will have for the rest of

their life. The nickname can be any Spanish word and may arise from any situation. These are the

scourge of the youngest females of the society. As everyone knows, Gypsies become aware of

their sexuality at an early age and try to seduce all the girls using their usual repertoire of “compli-

ments” and typical lines they have learned from their elders. It is also at this age when they start

negotiating with various herbs (such as rosemary, for example) and watching films not suitable for
