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Mutual learning

EURoma aims to facilitate the sharing of knowledge and experience among its members and to build their capacity in topics of relevance and/or common interest with regards to the use of EU Funds for Roma inclusion (e.g. strategies and approaches, projects and initiatives, (un)successful practices, challenges, thematic areas…).

Management Committee meetings

Management Committee meetings, gathering Network partners, are one of the key instruments used for this end. These regular meetings, generally held twice a year, offer an excellent platform for exchanging, debating and agreeing on crucial issues.

In addition, the fact that meetings are hosted by partner countries – on a rotating and voluntary basis- allows gaining a better insight into the reality of the national contexts of the different partner countries.

The agenda of Management Committee meetings includes those thematic or operational aspects related to the management of EU Funds of interest for Network partners and relevant topics in the EU framework. Since the launch of the Network, seventeen Management Committee meetings have been organised.

Thematic initiatives

These initiatives focus on specific topics (operational or thematic) identified by Network partners and bring together interest Network partners but are also open to other relevant stakeholders, both at European level and from the partner countries, including other Managing Authorities (at national or regional level), Intermediate Bodies, public/private beneficiaries of EU Funds, regional/local entities, civil society organisations with experience in the management of European Structural and Investment Funds.

Other initiatives to promote bilateral/multilateral exchange and cooperation

Other initiatives aimed at further promoting bilateral/multilateral transnational exchange and cooperation between Network partner countries are organised.

To this end, initiatives that allow partners get an insight into the national realities and experiences and identified areas of common interest and possibilities for the development of specific projects will be promoted.

Generation of knowledge

EURoma aims to generate knowledge on key aspects related to the use of EU Funds for Roma inclusion building upon the experience and shared approaches of Network partners as well as the work and exchanges within the Network.

A wide variety of resources are produced including position papers, reports and guides (for example, the EURoma Checklist for the Effective Inclusion of Roma Interventions within EU Cohesion Funds programming 2021-2027).

In addition, the Network is regularly invited to share its experience and provide feedback in the context of the elaboration of different political documents and relevant resources developed by the European institutions and other actors.

Presence in relevant fora

EURoma is actively involved in relevant fora and initiatives of European institutions and organisations in connection with EU Funds and Roma inclusion.

This involvement is crucial to advocate the importance of EU Funds in the promotion of social inclusion, equal opportunities and non-discrimination of the Roma population and to call the attention on key aspects to achieve an efficient use of these funds.

Presence in relevant fora, events and decision-making spaces

such as the European Roma Platform or the EC Roma Summits and other initiatives organised by different European institutions and international bodies, meetings of the Decade for Roma inclusion, etc.

Participation in expert/consultative groups

Including two consultative groups of the European Commission:

  • Structured Dialogue with Experts on ESI Funds (Directorate-General Regional Policy), that gathers representatives from the European Commission Directorate-Generals dealing with ESI Funds.
  • ‘Meetings with representatives of the civil society, international organisations and academics networks’ (Directorate-General Justice), which brings together these actors with representatives from the Directorate-Generals of relevance for Roma inclusion.

Contribution to consultative processes

Such as those on the future EU Frameworks for Roma inclusion and for EU Funds.