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Roma Community, Health and Drugs


The incidence of the drug phenomenon on the Roma minority can be described by analysing three levels or fields where its impact can be noticed:

- drug abuse
- social structures and institutions of the Roma
- social image of the Roma community

Starting by the image, the social relationships between a minority and the majority are impregnated with prejudices and stereotypes. One of the main mechanisms in the creation of prejudices is generalization and/or over-representation. In this, the excuse is the existence of a minority of Roma families who deal with drugs, an excuse which has led to the elaboration of this new stereotype (that affects a whole collective) of the Roma as a dealer. Drugs have become, thus, the new referent used to stigmatise the Roma population, denying the reality that also Roma families are suffering their consequences, sometimes in a greater extent or with less tools to fight them.

The damage in the social image of the Roma has direct consequences, too, in the field of the care for drug users or in phenomena like AIDS, since there has been an attempt to hide the existence of drug users and, even more, of HIV/AIDS cases. This makes it difficult and delays the involvement of the Roma communities or organizations themselves in any specific program or action, and it also contributes to make it difficult for drug users to have access to health services.

The difficulties for a social and labour integration for wide sectors in this community, and the loss of traditional labour niches, has encouraged some Roma families to turn themselves to the selling of drugs as a means to make a living.

Several circumstances have facilitated the involvement of some groups of Roma with this business:

- The existence of degraded settings with little social internal and external control, which facilitate this kind of illegal business promoted and profited by the drugs traffic networks.
- The difficult social and financial conditions some groups of Roma are currently going through. The loss of their tradi
tional jobs, which is forcing them to find new ways to make a living, ways for which they lack the adequate means.
- The chance of getting high financial profits, with a minimal effort, within so needy a setting as many Roma families are.

As regards the drug use, if the image of the Roma as a drug dealer has had some kind of success within their social representation up to the point of forming a new stereotype, the role of the Roma as a user, as a drug dependent, however, remains hidden or has received less attention.

It is often unknown or ignored the reality of the effects of drug abusing among an especially young population, subject to a heavy mutation in their identity signs. It is another hidden reality, even within their community, and, on the wake of it, it exists an important segment of drug dependents which are "neglected" or unknown.

It is greatly difficult to carry an approximate estimation on the prevalence of drug dependency among the Roma populations. The fact that the very own families hide the use (out of shame, or because it will make it more difficult to get their children married, or because it can be the source of many conflicts...), plus the lower demand of care in normalized centres, and the non-collecting of data regarding their belonging to a certain ethnic group on these services' clinical records... make it harder to estimate it among the Roma than among the general population.

However, we do have noticed the relevance that Roma organizations, support groups or other NGOs working with this population give to the phenomenon of drugs use. This situation offers a number of coincidences in the repercussion that the drugs phenomenon are having among the European Roma:

- Drugs use is having a relevant incidence among the Roma population. We must think that it is a "young" population (i.e., 65 % of the Spanish Roma are under 25, and this phenomenon happens all over Europe). The available data on Roma drug dependents indicate that they start using drugs 2 - 3 years earlier than the rest of the using population.
- We have noticed that, in marginal segments, young Roma and children are getting involved in the precocious use of drugs, which requires a specific proceeding that is not taking place.
- Roma drug dependents do not have access to care services and treatment, nor do they profit the damage lessening programmes existing in our countries. This situation is due to the lack of confidence and of information among the Roma, and to the incompetence of the care facilities to adapt themselves and to reach this kind of population.
- Roma do not profit, as much as other people, policies and programmes of primary and secondary prevention, both regarding the use and abuse of drugs, and information on AIDS, programmes of syringes' exchange, etc.
- In some countries, it is noticed a higher rate of HIV/AIDS cases regarding to the rest of the drug using population, plus a lack of prevention measures on transmissions nor of the use of pharmacological restraint therapies.
- The lack, or shortage, of care and prevention measures adapted to this population is creating the chronicity of problematic drug using, of the psycho-social problems of these people, and of diseases related to drug use.

Finally, and with regard to their social structures, drugs are affecting some sensitive aspects of the Roma coexistence, social structure and mechanisms of social control. One of the reasons why drug abuse has become one of the main "problems" in the social discourse may be their capacity to create the people's destruction and to bring drama to the families... These aspects are sharpened in a population where the role of the collective and of the family are crucial, where the individual is such as related to the group, and to the kinship system of which they receive their social personality. They affect, thus, structural aspects of the community in a way so far unknown, and transmit a feeling of danger and alarm, as well as some new situations to which one does not know how to respond. Occasionally, drug selling, this new source of income, has undermined the forefathers' authority and prestige.

Besides, drugs are a referent that hides other problems. If this is and has been so in our society as a whole, it is more among the Roma. We have already mentioned the processes of exclusion and xenophobia that have got new breath due to the drugs excuse. Drug abuse is affecting certain groups of Roma, creating or increasing processes of social, familiar and cultural disintegration among an already vulnerable population.

It is, thus, a European phenomenon that needs global and comprehensive answers to situations often chronic, which add themselves and accentuate a process of marginalization and social unadaptation which, in some cases, had begun to be solved. The EU enlargement towards the East and the inclusion of a high number of Roma population forces the European Union to face the need of creating answering structures, joint and valid.

Project Summary
Good Practices and Data Collection
Key Studies and Researches
