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Roma Community, Health and Drugs

Fundación Secretariado General Gitano (FSGG) - Project leader

The FSGG is a Spanish NGO providing services for the development of the Roma community. The organisation was officially founded in 1982, but the activities started long before, in the sixties.

The fundamental objectives are:the full inclusion and advancement of Roma in society, participation of Roma in their own development, improvement of their public image and dissemination of their cultural values and collaboration with organisations that work in favour of the inclusion of the Roma community.

FSGG activity focuses on three major areas:

- information services, training and technical support provided to Roma associations, administration officials and other entities that fight for the advancement of this minority (collaboration with 40 associations and agreements with 55 Spanish public administrations; special training services for professionals; transnational work with European networks and cooperation with Eastern countries)

- campaigns and overall awareness measures with a view to rooting out the structural causes of inequality

Roma Center for Social Intervention and Studies, Romani CRISS, Bucharest (Romania)

Romani CRISS combines civic activism with the creation and implementation of public policy programmes for the benefit of the Roma community to ensure their rights are respected. CRISS advocates for multiethnic cooperation between the majority community in Romania and the Roma population in order to strengthen local democracy institutions.

The objectives and activities carried out by Romani CRISS can be summarized as:

- Prevention of inter-ethnic violence;
- Local development and the implementation of socio-economic and cultural rights;
- Building confidence and community development;
- Schooling for Roma and civic education in relations between majority and minority communities;
- Employment and income generation projects;
- Studies, political analysis, contribution to the association movement of Roma in Romania and abroad.

CRISS has a wide experience in the collaboration with international institutions: with UNICEF in the promotion of summer programmes for Roma children, with the Council of Europe in the issue of health and Roma women, with the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (Contact Point for Roma and Sinti Issues) in the training of Roma social workers.

It has widely promoted the Roma access to health services, and has a Partnership Agreement with the Romanian Ministry of Health and Family for the promotion of the figure of health mediators in the Roma communities.

Civic Association PRIMA, Bratislava (Slovakia)

PRIMA started working in Bratislava in 1998. It is a non-profit organization whose main mission is to help people addicted to drugs directly on the street. Through their work - street work - the staff of PRIMA aim to minimize health and social risks associated with drug use and prostitution, not only for OZ Prima clients but also for their social environment. This includes mainly the prevention of the spread of the HIV virus and other infectious diseases.

PRIMA also implements programmes of harm reduction to support people who are addicted to drugs, motivates these people toward treatment, permanent abstinence and toward education.

PRIMA started the street work project in September 1998 and since November 1999 has developed a syringes exchange program. Last year PRIMA broadened its program and mobile street work, travelling directly to clients and ensure the exchange of syringes and other material. It allows them to penetrate into places that are harder to reach, surrounding parts of Bratislava.

The work of the civil association Prima also includes a social assistance program for facilitating to drug users the access to health services. PRIMA works closely with public health services and specially with the Centre for Drug Treatment in Bratislava with a high percentage of Roma drug users.

Initiative for Health Foundation, Sofia (Bulgaria)

Initiative for Health Foundation is a non-governmental organization founded in 1997 to establish and deliver services for drug users and to provide support to drug treatment services, local authorities and other agencies in the establishment of an effective drug policy in Bulgaria. The Foundation is involved in the development of the Bulgarian drug demand reduction strategy and HIV/AIDS preventive strategy.

The Initiative for Health Foundation was the first NGO to do needle exchange in Bulgaria and is implementing the Sofia Needle Exchange Project. It works in Roma areas providing a wide range of services to socially isolated groups of injecting drug users. Information and educational materials are designed and edited by the Sofia Needle Exchange Project. This programme has established active cooperation and referral networks with several governmental services and non-governmental organisations. Through active membership in the Central and Eastern European Harm Reduction Network, project staff exchange information and experience on a regular basis with staff of other programmes in the region.

SANANIM, Prague (Czech Republic)

The SANANIM association was founded in 1990. In 1991 it opened the first program / facility focusing on treatment on drug addictions - the Nemcice Therapeutic Community. Therefore, the facility became the first programme implemented by a non-governmental organisation in the field of drug addiction in the Czech Republic.

Currently the association primarily focuses on prevention and treatment of drug addiction within the framework of a complex system that includes 7 key programs: Field Programs, Contact Centre, Day-Care Centre, Karlov Therapeutic Community, Nemcice Therapeutic Community, After-Care Centre with sheltered housing and Drug Information Centre. The SANANIM Day-Care Centre and After-Care Centre were founded in 1997 with kind support of Phare Programme, where technical and financial support significantly help in fast development and establishment of the mentioned facilities.

In addition to standard services provided within the framework of operation of these facilities, the association also implements various projects outside the framework of this network of facilities. In particular, this relates to educational, research and primary prevention activities. In a country such as the Czech Republic with a high number of Roma population, also a part of the beneficiaries of the SANANIM services are Roma.

"Blue Point" Drug Counselling and Outpatient Centre, Budapest (Hungary)

The "Blue Point" is non-governmental organisation founded in 1996, the main objective of which is to reduce harms caused by drug use (especially illicit drug use) among drug users, their families and the whole society. The main services provided by this organisation are: information about drugs, psychiatric help, psychological and lifestyle advice, counselling (personal and family), help in social administration, after-care following withdrawal status and relapse prevention, legal advice service, peer support, and outreach social work. The services provided by the organisation try to harmonise the psychiatric, psychotherapeutic, addictional therapies and social work. "Blue Point" prepares and organises the admission of the clients to an in-patient clinic and continues therapy in out-patient form thereafter. It works closely and in collaboration with other health care services.

The "Blue Point" has had an advisory role in the Hungarian National Drug Strategy; it has delivered a special outreach work in a Roma neighbourhood in Budapest and has signed an agreement for cooperation with the local Roma Self-Government.

Project Summary
Good Practices and Data Collection
Key Studies and Researches
