Basic Idea
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Roma Community, Health and Drugs

The main idea behind this programme is that it is possible to implement palliative and treatment initiatives focusing on marginalized populations which do not make use of health services if methodologies based on the following characteristics are employed:

- SUPPORT: support is lent to the intervention target population and their families. Health initiatives form part of broader integrated action given that FSGG has the infrastructure needed to approach health-related issues and a whole range of other needs that stand in the way to advancement in areas such as housing, training, employment, children’s education or basic health care.

This infrastructure is provided by the Action Plan for Care of the Roma Population (fruit of a collaboration agreement between the Madrid Town Hall and the FSGG).

- CLOSE CONTACT: FSGG intervention’s success is rooted in the personal relations that manages to create. It is essential to establish trust, and to create a sense that professionals are close by and easily accessible. FSGG’s services are flexible and schedules adapt to the needs of the users.

Speaking from the experience until a certain degree of trust is established, the work will lack depth. This fact also points to the importance of having stable teams that include Roma mediators.

- DEALING WITH DIFFERENT KEY CULTURAL ASPECTS: Knowledge of key cultural aspects facilitates personal contact, the design of an intervention strategy with greater possibilities of success and also, in the case of conflict or the failure to comprehend certain rules, this knowledge helps to build bridges of communication between Roma and non-Roma.

This knowledge also gives FSGG the chance to provide the professionals who normally work with them at the treatment centres with essential cultural information. Moreover, the role played by Roma mediators as people who have an in-depth knowledge of the Roma community and their social environment is essential.


Project Summary
Good Practices and Data Collection
Key Studies and Researches
