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Overview of the programme

  • Priority Area: Health determinants
  • Beneficiary Group: Roma population
  • Period of the programme: 2007 - 2009
  • Total Budget: 611.775 euros

Roma Health European project presented on a International Conference

22 May 2008

The Swedish city of Malmö was the city host of the 2nd Conference of Migrant Health in Europe the last 22 and 23 May 2008, organised by European Public Health Association (EUPHA). The aim was to bring together new and innovative research - in particular with a Public Health emphasis.

The topics discussed, in this international sphere, were: health inequalities, health as human rights, health and sustainable development and effects of globalisation on health. Medical as well as social researchers and representatives for others who are actively engaged in the area of migrant health were the participants.

The European Project “Health and the Roma Community, Analysis of the situation in Europe” funded by the European Commission through the Public Health European Agency (PHEA) was presented in a poster session by Fundación Secretariado Gitano as coordinator of this project.

The main conclusion of the event was the remark of the need to have reliable data disaggregated by sex, ethnic origin, etc. in order to establish priority actions and develop coherent policies.

La principal conclusión del encuentro fue que para realizar políticas más acordes con la realidad actual es necesario disponer de datos fiables y estudios precisos desagregando la información por etnia y sexo, entre otras variables.

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This programme arises from the project "Health and Roma Community, Analysis of the Situation in Europe" which has received funding from the European Union, in the framework of the Public Health Programme.

Coordinator: Fundación Secretariado Gitano.
C/Ahijones s/n . 28018 Madrid (Spain)
Telephone: +34 - 91 422 09 60 / Fax: +34 - 91 422 09 61 /

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THRPF - The Health of the Romany People Foundation Office of the Council for Roma Affairs Czech Government Efxini Poli - Local Authorities' Network REAPN - Rede Europeia Anti-pobreza Portugal Associaçao Romani CRISS - Roma Center for Social Intervention and Studies PDCS - Partners for Democratic Change Slovakia