FSG Annual Report 2023 (Summary Leaflet)
: Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG)
FSG Annual Report 2023 (Summary Leaflet) Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG) 1 upload/12/23/Captura_de_pantalla_2024-09-16_122457_130x.png FSG Annual Report s Sección en la que podrás consultar las memorias anuales de las actividades de la Fundación Secreta fografias-Educacion-EN.pdf FSG-M2023-infografias-Educacion-Promociona-EN.pdf FSG-M2023-infografias-Lucha-pobreza-EN.pdf FSG Annual Report 2023 (Summary Leaflet) PDF Employment - Infographics Education - Infographics Education - Promociona- Infographics The fight again st poverty- Infographics Annual report Summary booklet 2023 Summary booklet FSG Annual report 2023 FUNDACIÓN SECRETARIADO GITANO The mission of Fundación Secretariado Gi supported in their access to Minimum Income women on sociopersonal skills and employability training pathways in awareness-raising activities about gender equality 435 outreach activities about gender equality Pilot project pathways of social inclusion for beneficiaries o
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Evaluation of the results and impact of the Calí Programme, for the Equality of Roma Women
: Fundación Secretariado Gitano
Evaluation of the results and impact of the Calí Programme, for the Equality of Roma Women (2016-2023) Executive Summary Fundación Secretariado Gitano 1 Fundación Secretariado Gitano Technical papers <br dir="ltr" spellcheck="false" id="tinymce" class="mce e Summary (PDF) Infographics Evaluation of the results and impact of the Calí Programme, for the Equality of Roma Women Evaluation report on the results and impact of the Calí Programme, for the Equality of Roma Women (2016-2023) Evaluation of the results and impact o f the Calí Programme, for the Equality of Roma Women (2016-2023) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Evaluation report on the results and impact of the Calí Programme, for the Equality of Roma Women (2016-2023) Executive summary Authored and edited the above objectives, the Calí Programme has defined complementary lines of intervention, together with cross-sectional awareness activities and political advocacy. The proposed methodology of the Programme is based on the following measures: A. Individualised attention
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Informes sobre la situación de la discriminación hacia la comunidad gitana en España, Portugal, Italia y Rumanía.
: Proyecto Europeo NET KARD
Informes sobre la situación de la discriminación hacia la comunidad gitana en España, Portugal, Italia y Rumanía. Proyecto Europeo NET KARD 1 NET-Kard Project FSG as contributing author 2013 Discriminación Igualdad de trato Legislación Equal treatment Inte adanía de la Unión Europea (Dirección General de Justicia). upload/16/68/Discrimination_of_Roma_National_ Report _SPAIN_Net_Kard.pdf file:///usr/local/ Report _ITALY__Net_Kard.pdf fil e:///usr/local/ Report _ROMANIA_Net_Kard.pdf file:///usr/local/ Report _PORTUGAL_Net_Kard.pdf ed use of racist and xenophobic opinions 8. Discrimination and prejudice on the media 9. Racial discrimination through the web 10. Activities to raise awareness and to fight stereotypes 11. Training, information and mediation 12. The role of statistical information in the
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Informe Anual FSG 2015
Informe Anual FSG 2015 FSG 1 Fundación Secretariado Gitano Annual Report s Sección en la que podrás consultar las memorias anuales de las actividades de la Fundación Secretariado Gitano, a nivel estatal y regional. 2016 Informe de actividades Communic 015 (PDF, 4,81 Mb) Folleto resumen Informe Anual FSG 2015 (PDF 4,37 Mb) en inglés IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN LEARNING MORE ABOUT OUR ACTIVITIES IN 2015, SEE: »Complete FSG 2015 Annual Report (only available in Spanish) »FSG website www.gitanos. org #FSGannual report 2015 SUMMARY LEAFLET FOLLOW US ON: © Fundación Secretariado Gitano, May 2016 Headquarters: c/ Ahijones s/n, 28018 Madrid. Telephone : +34 91 422 09 60 WITH THE COLLABORATION OF: 2 FSG 2015 ANNUAL REPORT summary leaflet THE Fundación secreTAriado gitano The Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG) is a non-profit social and intercultural
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Informe Anual FSG 2016
Informe Anual FSG 2016 FSG 1 Fundación Secretariado Gitano Annual Report s Sección en la que podrás consultar las memorias anuales de las actividades de la Fundación Secretariado Gitano, a nivel estatal y regional. 2017 Informe de actividades Communic // upload/16/20/FSG_informe2016_FSG_web.pdf file:///usr/local/ report 2016_en.pdf Folleto resumen Informe Anual FSG 2016 (PDF, 4,13 Mb) Folleto resumen Informe Anual FSG 2016 (PDF 2,45 Mb) en inglés 20 16 ANNUAL REPORT SUMMARY LEAFLET 2 FSG 2016 ANNUAL REPORT SUMMARY LEAFLET THE FUNDACIÓN SECRETARIADO GITANO The Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG) l. PROMOTING THE ROMA COMMUNITY: OUR PREROGATIVE We are pleased to present the 2016 Annual Report , featuring the highlights of our activities . This is the perfect time to share the impact of our work with our programme participants, public administrations, organisations,
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Guía práctica para los servicios policiales
: Net-Kard Project
Guía práctica para los servicios policiales Para prevenir la discriminación contra la Comunidad Gitana Net-Kard Project 1 Net-Kard Project FSG as contributing author 2014 Policía Discriminación Equal treatment 0 Esta guía está dirigida a los servicios p the reality of discrimination faced by the Roma communities, taking into account the role of police services. According to several report s filed by European organizations (ECRI1, ERRC2, Council of Europe3, FRA4, Amnesty International5, European Court of Human Rights6, oma is one of the ethnic groups most vulnerable to situations of discrimination in many countries throughout Europe. Eurobarometer Report 263 on Discrimination in the EU shows that 77% of Europeans think that being Roma is a social disadvantage. Moreover, the survey 1 .- Recommendation nº 13 on anti-gypsyism: activities /GPR/EN/Recommendation_N13/default_en.asp 2.- 3.- Human Rights of Roma and Travelers in Europe http://www.coe.
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Informe Anual FSG 2017
Informe Anual FSG 2017 FSG 1 Fundación Secretariado Gitano Annual Report s Sección en la que podrás consultar las memorias anuales de las actividades de la Fundación Secretariado Gitano, a nivel estatal y regional. 2018 Informe de actividades Communic ingles_web.pdf Folleto resumen Informe Anual FSG 2017 (PDF, 4,84 Mb) Folleto resumen Informe Anual FSG 2017 (PDF) en inglés ANNUAL REPORT 2017 SUMMARY LEAFLET 2 FSG 2017 ANNUAL REPORT / summary leaflet THE FUNDACIÓN SECRETARIADO GITANO We are a professional team that ETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT We develop programmes and services to defend the rights of Roma. Pedro Puente. We present the 2017 Annual Report featuring the most noteworthy results of our activities . Through this report we share the impact of our work with the people who p with a view to their playing an active role in society. We promote gender equality. 1,548 Roma men and women engaging in awareness activities on gender equality 4 regional meetings and 1 at national level with more than 770 young people 10 FSG 2017 ANNUAL REPORT / summary
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FSG 2014 Annual Report (Summary Leaflet)
FSG 2014 Annual Report (Summary Leaflet) FSG 1 Fundación Secretariado Gitano Annual Report s Sección en la que podrás consultar las memorias anuales de las actividades de la Fundación Secretariado Gitano, a nivel estatal y regional. 2015 Activities Report port Communication Acción Institucional 1 We present our "2014 Annual report " in digtal format ng conditions to many people through employment and education access. upload/53/77/FSG_AR_2014_SUMMARY.pdf FSG Annual Report Summary brochure
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Annual Report 2011
: Fundación Secretariado Gitano
Annual Report 2011 Fundación Secretariado Gitano Fundación Secretariado Gitano 1 FSG Annual Report s Sección en la que podrás consultar las memorias anuales de las actividades de la Fundación Secretariado Gitano, a nivel estatal y regional. 2012 asoci aciones gitanas memorias de actividades Communication International 1 English version of the 2011 Annual report of the regional and national FSG activities . upload/09/12/fsg_Annual_ report _2011.pdf Documento PDF (13,4 MB)
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Informe de la sociedad civil
: preparado por una coalición integrada por las siguientes organizaciones, Fundación Secretariado Gitano, Grupo de investigación ALTER de la Universidad Pública de Navarra, Asociación de Enseñantes con Gitanos
Informe de la sociedad civil Sobre la implementación de la Estrategia Nacional para la Inclusión Social de la Población Gitana y el Plan de Acción de la Década para la Inclusión de los Gitanos en España en 2012 preparado por una coalición integrada por las civil.pdf Documento PDF en inglés Documento PDF en inglés. Actualización Documento PDF en español Updated Civil Society Monitoring Report on the Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy and Decade Action Plan in 2012 and 2013 in S PA I N DECADE OF ROMA INCLUSION 2005-2015 Updated Civil Society Monitoring Report on the implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy and Decade Action Plan in 2012 and 2013 in SPAIN Prepared by a civ nt attendance in the schools. Additionally, Roma parents do not regularly participate in school boards or educational institutions' activities and many teachers still feel the success and permanent involvement of Roma children in classes is not a real objective to be achiev
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Guía práctica dirigida a los profesionales de los medios de comunicación
: Net-Kard Project
Guía práctica dirigida a los profesionales de los medios de comunicación Para prevenir la discriminación contra la Comunidad Gitana Net-Kard Project 1 Net-Kard Project FSG as contributing author 2014 Medios de comunicación Imagen social Discriminación Equa cond, to provide a set of resources, best practices and useful information to media with a view to achieving greater accuracy when report ing on the Roma communities. The ultimate objective aim is to help enhance the quality of information in the media regarding the Ro to cooperation or adapted services for Roma (in your territory or elsewhere)? • Describe the training needs of media professionals report ing on the Roma community to ensure their rights? 6 Practical Guide for Media professionals to prevent discrimination against the R ignificant improvement since May 2009 ethnic 1.- Recommendation No 13 on anti-gypsyism: activities /GPR/EN/Recommendation_N13/default_en.asp 2.- 3.- Human Rights of Roma and Travellers in Europe http://www.coe
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Guía para la actuación con la Comunidad Gitana en los Servicios Sanitarios
Guía para la actuación con la Comunidad Gitana en los Servicios Sanitarios FSG 1 FSG 2006 Salud Servicios sanitarios 1 La elaboración de esta Guía tiene como fin último contribuir al logro de reducir las desigualdades en salud desde el Sistema Nacional de es to the European Union in May of 2004, Spain was the EU nation with the largest Roma population – over 650,000. According to the report entitled “The Situation of Roma in an Enlarged European Union” published by the European Commission in November 20041, the general rs who are capable of accepting new aspects of community life which benefit its development. Î Mourning: affects social and labour activities and imposes rules regarding personal appearance (black clothes and headscarf for women, beard for men, etc.) and community life 11 Handbook for Action in the Area of Health Services with the Roma Community in terms of expressions of joy or entertainment activities . Î The figure of the deceased is very important. It is important to bear possible reactions in mind when the death of a close fami
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FSG Annual Report 2016 (Summary Leaflet)
FSG Annual Report 2016 (Summary Leaflet) FSG 1 Fundación Secretariado Gitano Annual Report s Sección en la que podrás consultar las memorias anuales de las actividades de la Fundación Secretariado Gitano, a nivel estatal y regional. 2017 Informe de ac tividades Communication 1 We present the 2016 Annual Report featuring the most noteworthy results of our activities .The perfect time to share the impact of our work with the publ kes it possible for all of us working together to help improve the lives of thousands of Roma and non-Roma people. upload/41/04/FSG report 2016_en.pdf FSG Annual Report 2016 (Summary Leaflet)
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Joint report on the use of Structural Funds for Roma inclusion based on country-by-country meetings
: Euroma Plus ; Technical Secretariat, Fundación Secretariado Gitano
Joint report on the use of Structural Funds for Roma inclusion based on country-by-country meetings Reinforcing Policy Learning for Roma Inclusion. European Social Fund (ESF) Learning Network Euroma Plus ; Technical Secretariat, Fundación Secretariado Gita no 1 Euroma Plus FSG as contributing author 2014 Fondos Europeos International 1 upload/67/45/Full_ Report -Joint_ Report _ESF_Roma_Inclusion_Learning_Network.pdf file:///usr/local/ oint_ Report _ESF_Roma_Inclusion_Learning_Network.pdf Full Report -Joint Report ESF Roma Inclusion Learning Network Key Findings and Proposals-Jo ry important to develop a detailed planning process identifying how the different actions foreseen in the OPs will reach Roma, how activities and working methods will be adapted —when necessary— to Roma needs, how information about results and Roma participation will be g
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FSG Annual Report 2015 (Summary Leaflet)
FSG Annual Report 2015 (Summary Leaflet) FSG 1 Fundación Secretariado Gitano Annual Report s Sección en la que podrás consultar las memorias anuales de las actividades de la Fundación Secretariado Gitano, a nivel estatal y regional. 2016 Informe de ac tividades Communication Acción Institucional 1 We present the 2015 Annual Report featuring the most noteworthy results of our activities .The perfect time to share the impact of our work with the publ working together to help improve the lives of thousands of Roma and non-Roma people. upload/75/68/FSG_2015_summary.pdf FSG Annual Report 2015 (Summary Leaflet)
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FSG Annual Report 2017 (Summary Leaflet)
FSG Annual Report 2017 (Summary Leaflet) FSG 1 Fundación Secretariado Gitano Annual Report s Sección en la que podrás consultar las memorias anuales de las actividades de la Fundación Secretariado Gitano, a nivel estatal y regional. 2018 Informe de ac tividades Communication Acción Institucional 1 We present the 2016 Annual Report featuring the most noteworthy results of our activities .The perfect time to share the impact of our work with the publ ogether to help improve the lives of thousands of Roma and non-Roma people. upload/62/34/informe2017_FSG_ingles_web.pdf FSG Annual Report 2017 (Summary Leaflet) PDF
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Annual report 2012
: Fundación Secretariado Gitano
Annual report 2012 Fundación Secretariado Gitano Fundación Secretariado Gitano 1 FSG Annual Report s Sección en la que podrás consultar las memorias anuales de las actividades de la Fundación Secretariado Gitano, a nivel estatal y regional. 2013 Asoci aciones gitanas Memoria de actividades 0 English version of the 2012 annual activities FSG report upload/27/43/Memoria_FSG_2012_ingles.pdf Documento PDF (12,4 MB)
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What´s working
: The What´s Working Project
What´s working Report 2013 The What´s Working Project 1 The What´s Working Project FSG as contributing author 2013 Educación Gitanos Inclusión socioeducativa International Education 1 El proyecto "¿Qué está funcionando?" - cuyos socios son e :// upload/25/93/1.5-FSG-wha_whats_working_ report _esp.pdf file:///usr/local/ report __english.pdf Documento PDF. Versión española Documen to PDF. Versión inglés What's Working Report 2013 1 Contents Acknowledgments Page 3 Executive Summary Page 4 Introduction Page 5 The Partnership Page 8 Context nce allowed for barriers to be broken down between Pharos and other organisations, which supported the implementation of the pilot activities . By giving much publicity to the What's Working project, and the use of existing networks in the last period of the project, Pharo
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Guía práctica para las ONG
: Net-Kard Project
Guía práctica para las ONG Para prevenir la discriminación contra la Comunidad Gitana Net-Kard Project 1 Net-Kard Project FSG as contributing author 2014 Discriminación ONG Equal treatment 0 Esta Guía se dirige a las ONG y asociaciones gitanas con el pr ccessful awareness-raising campaign. • Training actions and Technical assistance: NGOs play an important role in offering training activities and joint work with all of the professional groups entrusted with guaranteeing equality and therefore such activities are one of t these communities. The overarching objective of these actions is to show the Roma population and other citizens the importance of report ing all cases of discrimination. First of all, uncovering the phenomenon of discrimination which is often associated with hate crim making them the lead figure in the transmission of positive images. This could include disseminating their traditions, practices, activities and also their problems. Creating opportunities for Roma communities to express and share their cultural richness will contribute
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Discriminación y Comunidad Gitana
: Área de Igualdad, Departamento de Inclusión Social FSG
Discriminación y Comunidad Gitana Informe Anual FSG 2011 Área de Igualdad, Departamento de Inclusión Social FSG 1 Fundación Secretariado Gitano Technical papers 2 TMENT AND NON-DISCRIMINATION ON THE GROUNDS OF RACIAL OR ETHNIC ORIGIN FSG 2011 Presentation of 115 cases of discrimination Annual report FSG 2011 C/ Ahijones, s/n - 28018 Madrid (España) Tel.: (34) 91 422 09 60 - Fax: (34) 91 422 09 61 Annual report 21/12/2011 10:17:18 Discrimination and the Roma Community Annual report FSG 2011 Author and editor: Fundación Secretariado Gitano . 96 5. Anti-racism rap campaign of the Movement against Intolerance . 97 6. Activities carried out by the FSG . – Social awareness raising Campaign Gitan@s=Ciudandan@s . – Tra
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