FSG Igualdad de género y Mujeres Gitanas
More than one hundred Roma women, participants in the programmes of the Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG), met in Madrid on 28 and 29 January to take part in the National Conference organised by the foundation.
Under the slogan ‘Following in our footsteps, continuing our history’, the attendees, who came from different Spanish localities, discussed the current situation of Roma women, with special attention to young women. Issues such as access to employment, education and the role of Roma women in society marked the agenda of the meeting. The main objective was to analyse their reality and propose measures that respond to their needs.
The conference also included opportunities to reflect on the impact and risks of using social networks, with the participation of professionals in the field. Sharing information and experiences was key to understanding the challenges and opportunities facing Roma women today.
For Gabriela, a participant in FSG’s programmes in Algeciras, the meeting was very enriching:
‘It has been a great opportunity to meet other women. I have realised that being Roma is what unites us, but the reality of each one is very different. I have learnt something from all of them and I have learnt a lot’.
For her part, Maica, from Gijón, highlighted the motivation that the event gave her:
‘Taking part here with other women has been a great stimulus for me to get back to my studies with more enthusiasm. If others have succeeded, I can too. I think that's the best thing I'll take away from this experience’.
Celia Gabarri, head of the Equality and Roma Women department, closed the conference by thanking all the attendees for their participation. She also emphasised the importance of continuing to promote these spaces, which are essential for progressing towards equality and the advancement of Roma women.
The National Conference coincided with the commemorative event that FSG organised on 28 January to celebrate 600 years of the documented presence of the Roma in Spain.