FSG Inclusión Social
FSG launches the ‘+Infancia Programme’ (+Childhood Programme) in 15 municipalities in Spain, to support more than 1 600 minors in a situation or at risk of social exclusion and their families with educational support, leisure and free time activities, personal and family psychotherapeutic care, among others. It is supported by the ESF+ and the "la Caixa" Foundation.
The main challenge of the + Infancia Programme is to promote the social inclusion of minors in a situation or at risk of social vulnerability and their families. To this end, pathways of socio-educational promotion are developed for children and adolescents aged 0-18 years in situations of poverty and social exclusion and their families.
The programme is developed through networks of non-profit organisations with a common action model, which work with children and their families to improve their living conditions and their level of social inclusion.
This initiative is launched in 2024 and provides educational support, family educational support, personal and family psychotherapeutic care and health mediation for these minors, as well as leisure and free time activities, among others.
This is a clear commitment to improving the living conditions of children and adolescents in vulnerable situations and is financed by the European Social Fund. It is co-financed by the "la Caixa" Foundation to achieve a more social and inclusive Europe through the application of the European Pillar of Social Rights and with the specific objective of promoting the social inclusion of people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, particularly the most disadvantaged and children. For these actions, a total of €5 943 662.29 has been committed for the period 2024-2029 in the networks in which FSG participates.
The actions carried out by FSG and its partner organisations within the +Infancia Programme allow us to meet the needs of more than 1 600 children and their families every year, which has a great impact on the Roma community as a whole, contributing directly to alleviating the poverty and social exclusion they suffer and complementing other lines of action and programmes that FSG carries out to provide comprehensive care for their needs.