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Hungarian Presidency of the EU Council begins [editar]

The debate on the future of cohesion policy and territorial approaches on the agenda

FSG Internacional

Hungarian Presidency of the EU Council begins

From 1 July, and throughout the second half of 2024, Hungary assumes the Presidency of the Council of the European Union (EU) at a very relevant moment. We leave behind the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU which has focused, among other issues, on the protection of EU citizenship, the strengthening of European competitiveness and the preparation of the EU for future challenges. The Belgian Presidency has been committed to pushing forward the legislative agenda in response to ongoing crises and to preparing the debate on the future of Europe.

We are currently facing a European context with many common challenges due to the war in our neighbouring countries, the formation of a new European Parliament and a new leadership in the European Commission and the European Council, who will have to initiate the Strategic Agenda 2024-2029 and set the long-term guidelines for the future work of the EU. Other issues that need to be addressed are long-standing, such as climate change, the migration crisis and, above all, the difficult social situation in terms of quality of life, guaranteeing basic rights (employment, housing, education, health...) and respect for the human rights of European citizens, including the Roma population.

Among the priorities of the Hungarian Presidency we highlight the definition and shaping of the post-2027 cohesion policy and inclusive policies with a territorial approach. In addition, other issues such as the new European agreement on competitiveness, the strengthening of the European defence policy, enlargement policy, the future agricultural policy and demographic challenges will also be addressed.

As always, the Fundación Secretariado Gitano will seek to engage in these debates so that the decisions taken at European level contribute to promoting and guaranteeing equal rights for Roma people in Europe.

From the EURoma Network we will organise, together with the Hungarian authorities of the Network, a meeting to discuss how to ensure that territorial approaches are inclusive of the Roma population, as well as the role that EU funds can play in this context.

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