FSG Participación
Around 30 Roma children from all over Spain met in Madrid on 20 June to debate and reflect on child participation, their rights and other issues that affect them.
The IV State Meeting was inaugurated by Lucia Losoviz, Director General for the Rights of Children and Adolescents of the Ministry for Youth and Children, who highlighted the importance of promoting policies focused on children and adolescents and the participation of Roma voices in these spaces.
Mayte Suárez, Deputy Director General for Participation and Talent of Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG), was also present and thanked the young people for their participation. She stressed the FSG's commitment to ensuring that the opinions of Roma children and adolescents are heard and taken into account.
The event, held at the Ministry of Social Rights, Consumer Affairs and Agenda 2030 was a space for dialogue and learning where young people discussed relevant issues, such as the Agenda 2030, the inequalities faced by Roma children and adolescents, or gender equality.
During the meeting, several young people shared their experiences of participation in different spaces such as local and regional councils and in their own schools. These activities not only fostered learning, but also helped to consolidate the group and strengthen their bonds.
In addition, they wrote a letter with various opinions and reflections to be sent to the public authorities, under the slogan "Roma adolescents do not keep quiet". We at the FSG are committed to passing them so that their needs are also taken into account.
The group expressed their desire to continue participating in spaces where their voices and opinions are valued and considered as well as those of the rest of society.
These activities were organised within the framework of the State Programme for the Promotion of the Participation of the Roma Population, financed by the State Programmes for Activities of General Interest considered to be of social interest (0.7%), corresponding to the Secretary of State for Social Rights.