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Meeting in Rome of the EURoma Network on Roma inclusion and European funds [editar]

FSG Internacional

Meeting in Rome of the EURoma Network on Roma inclusion and European funds

The EURoma Network, of which FSG is the Technical Secretariat, brings together public authorities responsible for Roma policies and those in charge of EU funds, to promote a greater and more effective use of these funds to promote social inclusion, equal opportunities and the fight against discrimination of the Roma people.

The European EURoma Network (European Network on Roma Equality under EU Funds), whose Technical Secretariat is provided by Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG), will hold its first meeting of 2024 on 6 and 7 June in Rome. The meeting will bring together representatives of public authorities responsible for the European Cohesion Policy Funds (ESF+ and ERDF) and authorities in charge of Roma policies (in particular the National Roma Contact Points) from 14 Member States. Also, as usual, representatives of the European Commission's Directorates General (DGs) and departments with competences in the field of Roma inclusion and equality and European Cohesion Policy Funds (in particular ESF/ESF+ and ERDF), including DG Justice and Consumers (DG JUST), DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (DG EMPL) and DG Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO), will participate. Finally, representatives of Italian regional governments and other relevant actors in Roma equality policies in Italy and funds will also participate.

The agenda of the meeting includes sessions on European cohesion policy funds (how ESF+ and ERDF programmes are addressing Roma inclusion and equality, and their development, timeline and scope for action in cohesion policy beyond 2027) and the implementation of the European Child Guarantee and the inclusion of Roma children in national plans. In addition, as the meeting will be held in Rome, a full day of the meeting will be devoted to the situation of Roma people in Italy and the policies that have been developed in Italy, including the new National Roma and Sinti Strategy 2021-2030 (methodology and financial opportunities for inclusion) or the National Programme for Inclusion and Fight against Poverty 2021-2027. Key issues for the Roma people will also be discussed, such as the fight against antigypsyism or the issue of segregated settlements in the country.

This meeting is made possible thanks to the support of ESFA (European Social Fund Agency, Social Innovation Initiative) and UNAR (the National Office against Racial Discrimination in Italy), which is also hosting the meeting.