The event 'Más que empleo’ (‘Beyond employment') was attended by Yolanda Diaz, Second Vice-President and Minister of Labour and Social Economy of the Spanish Government.
The development and management of employment and training programmes with the support of the European Social Fund by Cáritas Spain, the Spanish Red Cross, ONCE Foundation and Fundación Secretariado Gitano, has facilitated access to employment for 200 000 people at risk of exclusion over the last eight years in Spain. This is one of the main conclusions of the conference 'Más que empleo’ (‘Beyond employment'), which took place in the auditorium of the Ministry of Labour and Social Economy.
The event presented the results of the actions developed by these organisations in the period 2016-2023 in the framework of the Operational Programme for Youth Employment (POEJ) and the Operational Programme for Social Inclusion and Social Economy (POISES), as well as the future challenges for the new programming period until 2027.
The conference was opened by the Second Vice-President and Minister of Labour and Social Economy, Yolanda Díaz, who thanked the four organisations and the European Social Fund Managing Authority in Spain for their work: "What we know today is the fruit of a living society in which the public and private sectors work together, and by cooperating they enhance the common good. Because you know the needs and you reach out to those in need where public administrations do not reach." "These organisations are the real social Europe. You are doing a fundamental work to fulfil the constitutional mandate for all people to have access to employment, so that all people have the opportunity to have a decent job."
On behalf of the four social organisations, their representatives participated:
Natalia Peiro, Secretary General of Cáritas Spain, emphasised that "the commitment to long-term joint work has allowed us to extend the scope of our programmes, not only in terms of the number of beneficiaries, 53% of whom have been women in the case of Cáritas, but also in terms of the results we have achieved in terms of labour market access, employability and activation of people in situations of vulnerability. This experience makes us today a key ally to guarantee inclusive active employment policies in line with the principles of the European Pillar of Social Rights and the objectives of the ESF.”
Maria del Mar Pageo, President of the Spanish Red Cross, has valued very positively the work developed with companies and the magnificent territorial capillarity of this programme, "one of the keys to success is the work with the Ministry, the European Social Fund, between entities, and together with the labour market. The long history of this programme favours the creation of alliances with the business fabric -large companies, SMEs and Social Economy entities- that reinforce employability. Through the variety of programmes, we have reached places where it is more difficult to access guidance, training and support for employment because there is less social fabric and fewer resources".
Miguel Carballeda, President of the ONCE Foundation stressed that "this alliance with the European Social Fund gives us financial stability and allows us to work in the long term, as well as to adapt to the rapid changes in today's society. This is reflected in the results we obtain, as we can reach a greater number of people".
Finally, Jesús Loza, President of Fundación Secretariado Gitano pointed out that "this commitment is made with the awareness that these are long and multidimensional processes and pathways, but with a firm commitment to collaborate and establish alliances with all actors and administrations. The Ministry can count on all our collaboration, experience and knowledge to address the challenge of attention to vulnerable groups, configured in the Employment Law as one of the priority attention groups for employment policy. We remain at your disposal, Minister.”
This was followed by a round table of beneficiaries and companies involved in the different programmes developed by the four organisations.
200 000 jobs
Between 2016 and 2023, as a result of this initiative, 620 921 people have been supported, 52% of whom are women and 48% men. Of this total, 199 557 people, 32%, have obtained a job (including self-employment) and 138 942 people, 22%, have obtained a qualification.
21% of all participants are migrants, 9% are Roma, 41% are people with disabilities and 29% are other disadvantaged people. All of them struggle every day to overcome the obstacles and barriers they encounter in order to achieve a better future.
A profitable investment
This alliance is a profitable investment (for every €1 invested there is a return of €1.40) that contributes to reducing levels of poverty and social exclusion; reducing and preventing failure and early school leaving; offering a training alternative that favours access to jobs for young people who are outside the education system and who are not working.
It also implements the Pillar of Social Rights and contributes to the requirement established in the European Regulations to devote at least 20% of the European Social Fund to promoting social inclusion by facilitating the employment of the most vulnerable people and fulfils Spain's commitment to the 2030 Agenda and SDGs 5, 10 and 8 target 5, to achieve decent work for all people, including people with disabilities.
The future is already a reality
Thanks to the renewed trust of the Ministry of Labour and Social Economy in the ESF+ 2021-2027 period, the four entities will continue to work together to build a more inclusive future for all people.
Until 2029, these entities have committed to assisting 593 834 people and 214 908 people into employment. All this thanks to a total ESF+ investment of €632.6 million. 12% will be migrants, 10% Roma, 27% people with disabilities and 51% other disadvantaged people will be reached.