Participación, Internacional
This participation network of Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG), which has around 60 Roma young people from all over Spain, organised an online session to reflect on the European elections and the consequences they may have in the Roma community's day-to-day life.
The Network of FSG Facilitators had its first session in which they reflected on their role as European citizens in view of the upcoming European elections to be held on 9 June.
In the session, we also had the Directorate General of Communication of the European Parliament Office in Spain to share with the group the context of the elections, the key dates, the challenges of the next legislature and the interest of citizens in the European elections.
This initiative is part of the participation process "Voz y Voto, voces gitanas en las elecciones europeas" (Voice and Vote, Roma voices in the European elections), with the aim of informing about the importance of the decisions taken in Europe in the Roma community's day-to-day life, and to influence the vote.
Now it is time to bring the whole process to the localities where the FSG is active in Spain, to organise sessions with Roma participants in our programmes, and to transmit and work on these contents. The facilitators are a fundamental part in supporting the teams in the development of these sessions.