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FSG contributes to European consultations relevant to Roma equality and inclusion [editar]

FSG Internacional

FSG contributes to European consultations relevant to Roma equality and inclusionIn recent months, the Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG) has contributed to European consultations on the implementation of the National Strategies for Roma Equality, Inclusion and Participation, on the evaluation of the ESF 2014-2020 and on the mid-term review of the ESF+ 2021-2027.

As part of our work to monitor and contribute to policy developments of relevance to the Roma population, the FSG has shared its opinion and experience in the framework of several consultation processes organised by the European Commission recently, notably:

  • Implementation of the National Strategies for Roma Equality, Inclusion and Participation. This consultation is part of the monitoring process of the implementation of the National Strategies that is regularly carried out by the European Commission. Its aim was to gather stakeholders' views on the measures taken by Member States in the framework of their National Strategies, focusing on the areas for improvement identified for each country in previous reports of the European Commission.
  • European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) 2021-2027. In the framework of the mid-term evaluation of ESF+, the European Commission aimed to collect information on the effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, coherence and added value at EU level of ESF+ from its entry into force until the end of 2023. Given that the actual implementation of funds for the period 2021-2027 has only just started, not much evidence on performance is expected. However, it is expected that this process will serve to identify the main changes of the fund compared to the 2014-2020 period (in terms of design, relevance and interaction with other instruments) as well as proposals for improvement. The consultation also aimed to learn more about simplification measures.
  • Evaluation of the European Social Fund (ESF) and Youth Employment Initiative (YEI) 2014-2020. Through this evaluation, the aim was to measure the effectiveness, efficiency, relevance and added value of the European Union, of the actions financed by the ESF, including the YEI for 2014-2020, as well as the complementarity and coherence with other funds, including cross-cutting evaluations.

The Fundación Secretariado Gitano has contributed to these consultations and evaluations with the aim of contributing to greater inclusiveness of the main European policy instruments, bringing our experience and knowledge as an organisation that has been working for more than 40 years for the equality of Roma people in Spain and Europe.