FSG Igualdad y Lucha contra la Discriminación
The European Commission published in December 2023 a new Special Eurobarometer on Discrimination in Europe. It is an extensive survey of almost 26 400 people in the 27 EU Member States (in Spain the sample was 1 004 people). The study includes most of the groups or individuals who are usually subject to discrimination: ethnic origin and skin colour, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, age, religion or belief, and being a Roma person. The previous Eurobarometer on discrimination was conducted in 2019.
Discrimination against Roma is considered the most widespread of all the groups studied (65% on average in the EU, and 70% in Spain). This figure represents an increase in this perception compared to the previous 2019 Eurobarometer (61% on average in the EU, and 65% in Spain). This increase can be interpreted in two ways: on the one hand, it is positive because it represents a greater recognition or social awareness of the reality of antigypsyism; on the other hand, it is worrying because it indicates that anti-Roma discrimination is still very present in society.
Regarding the question "would you feel comfortable having a Roma person as the highest political office holder", 54% would feel comfortable (EU average, 49% in 2019, which is an improvement). Spain shows a much more positive percentage, 78% would feel comfortable with this situation, a percentage even higher than the 2019 figure (72%). Together with the Netherlands, Sweden and Ireland, this is one of the highest percentages in the EU. At the other extreme, there is a high level of hostility to the idea in countries such as Cyprus, Bulgaria, Lithuania and Estonia, where only 30% would be comfortable with the idea.
Sixty-seven per cent of the European population would feel comfortable having daily contact with a Roma person in the workplace. This figure represents a slight improvement of 3 points compared to 2019. In Spain, again, the percentage is much more positive than the European average: 86% would feel comfortable. This contrasts with other countries with high anti-Roma sentiment, such as Bulgaria or Italy, where the figure is less than fifty oer cent.
Worryingly, only 51% (on average in the EU) would feel comfortable if one of their sons or daughters had a romantic relationship with a Roma person. In Spain the figure is much better, 73%, a good figure that even improves the percentage of 2019 (65%). These data represent a slight improvement compared to 2019: 3 points higher in the European average, and 8 points higher in the case of Spain. At the other extreme, countries such as Slovakia, Greece, Hungary, Bulgaria or Cyprus show a high level of intolerance towards this possibility (less than 33% would feel comfortable).
On the question "would you feel comfortable if your son or daughter had a Roma boy or girl as a classmate", only 42% would feel comfortable, in line with the European average. The evolution over the last 4 years is positive, albeit very slight, as this figure represents an increase of only 3 points. Again, the situation in Spain is somewhat better than the European average, but it is worse than in 2019 (45% of people feel comfortable in 2023, and 50% in 2019). It is regrettable that more than half of non-Roma Spaniards surveyed maintain this attitude of rejection or discomfort towards Roma children in the school environment. France, the Czech Republic and Italy show much more rejection, with only 30% feeling comfortable with this situation.
Seventy-three per cent of Europeans believe that the educational curriculum should include information on Roma culture and history. In Spain, this figure rises to 82% (slightly less than in 2019, when it was 86%), in contrast to countries such as Bulgaria or Romania, where 45% are against this idea, despite having a significant Roma population.
Twenty-four per cent of Europeans believe that the efforts made by their country to integrate its Roma population are effective (this is an improvement compared to 2019, 19%). In Spain, this perception is close to the European average: 26% believe that efforts in our country are being effective.
In terms of having experienced harassment or discrimination in the last 12 months, of all the vulnerable groups surveyed, Roma people are the most discriminated against and harassed in health services (23% of them have experienced discrimination) and in the use of social services (also 23%). This is one of the social groups with the highest rates of discrimination/harassment; Roma also often experience discrimination/harassment in the workplace, in public spaces and when looking for housing (around 15% of Roma report having experienced discrimination in all these areas).
Regarding the fight against discrimination, 37% of Spaniards believe that Spain's efforts in this area are effective (the EU average is 31%). This figure improves in Spain compared to 2019 (30%).
Full Report:
Data in Spain:
Data on discrimination against Roma people:
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