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Fundación Secretariado Gitano collaborates in report on housing desegregation for the Roma inclusion [editar]

FSG Internacional

Fundación Secretariado Gitano collaborates in report on housing desegregation for the Roma inclusion

This report, released by CEU (Central European University) Democracy Institute, is framed in the project Roma Civil Monitor 2021-2025, and includes examples of housing desegregation from 6 different EU countries (including one in Spain, in which Fundación Secretariado Gitano collaborated).

The report ‘Examples of successful housing desegregation as a precondition of Roma integration’ opens with a chapter on the main academic findings on mechanisms and consequences of housing segregation, presenting then case studies from Romania, Italy, Croatia, Czechia, Greece and Spain. The Spanish case describes the process of desegregation of two settlements in Segovia, between 2006 and 2011, promoted by the Segovia City Council and supported by the FSG. Mar Fresno, regional director of the FSG in Castilla y León, and Maite Andrés, director of the FSG's social inclusion department, contributed ideas and experiences to convey the key points of the case and the approaches and policies to eradicate settlements in Spain.

The final chapter is devoted to synthesizing the main ideas and launching recommendations to the European Commission, to the Member States and to all the stakeholders involved in desegregation.

The report was released at the 16th European Platform for Roma Inclusion, celebrated on 30 November 2023 in Madrid and organized by the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union. It was also presented at the joint meeting of the EURoma Network and the National Roma Contact Points meeting held on 1 December 2023.

Roma Civil Monitor 2021-2025

The ‘Preparatory Action – Roma Civil Monitoring – Strengthening capacity and involvement of Roma and pro-Roma civil society in policy monitoring and review’ (Roma Civil Monitor 2021-2025 initiative) is implemented by a consortium led by the Democracy Institute of the Central European University (DI/CEU), and including European Roma Grasroots Organisations Network (ERGO Network), Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG) and European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC).

This initiative is launched by the European Commission at the initiative of the European Parliament and it is funded by the European Commission’s Directorate-General Justice and Consumers (DG Just).