FSG Internacional
From the FSG, as members of the Futuro en Común platform, we have participated in the events organized at the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development of the United Nations (UN) in July in New York. The European Union presented, for the first time, its official progress report on the 2030 Agenda. Countries are called for greater intensity in political action to move forward and achieve a sustainable and inclusive planet.
Last July, the UN High Level Political Forum was held with the purpose of reviewing the degree of compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the Sustainable Development Agenda (2030 Agenda). In this 2023 Forum, some SDGs were subjected to special review around which analysis and reflection sessions were organized in which different States, representatives of the UN, scientific personnel and members of organized civil society participated, such as Futuro en Común of Spain. Representatives of the Spanish public administration were present at these meetings (Secretary of State for Cooperation and Secretary of State for the 2030 Agenda). The Roma people was mentioned on several occasions, emphasizing its structural inequality in the countries where it is present, as the European Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) did at one of the events, as well as several NGOs and platforms present at the forum.
One of the milestones of this forum was the presentation of the first voluntary examination of the European Union that had a political representation of the highest level. The European Commissioner for Economy, Paolo Gentiloni, emphasized how the EU, despite the progress, needs to make more progress on the SDGs, mainly to reduce poverty and to protect natural resources.
In view of this EU report, Futuro en Común, and within the framework of the European platform SDG Watch Europe, has prepared its own report assessing the progress/deficiencies in the development of the 2030 Agenda at a European level. During the voluntary review, SDG Watch Europe made a counter-reply to the official review based on said report.
Another key moment of the forum took place with the speech of the Secretary-General of the UN, Antonio Guterres, who made a negative assessment of the global development of the 2030 Agenda, calling it insufficient due to a lack of ambition. He emphasized the “need for the SDGs to be a reality for everyone and everywhere by 2030. (...) It is in everyone's interest to choose another direction and the 2030 Agenda is the way”. He called on the countries to urgently revitalize the SDG roadmap, especially in the areas of energy, climate, employment and poverty, hoping to achieve a political agreement that will be signed at the SDG Summit, halfway through the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, to be held with the heads of state and government in September in New York. Significant progress is needed before 2030. “It is not too late to make a change, to solve the main problems of humanity and our planet. Inequality can be solved”.
The road map marked out by the UN foresees a Summit of the Future in September 2024, where the foundations of the subsequent Pact for the Future are to be laid, a global commitment to actions to achieve sustainable and inclusive development.
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The message repeated and shared throughout the forum was the need to advance much more intensely to achieve the necessary structural transformations: improving the tools and institutions with which it operates, incorporating mechanisms of coherence in public policies and relying on scientific evidence, among other elements, to address the challenges facing the planet and humanity. A scientific committee assigned by Antonio Guterres will present its action plan in September in order to intensify the achievement of the 2030 Agenda.