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The Alliance for the Equal Treatment Law calls on the Government to demonstrate its real commitment against racism and discrimination with the creation of the Independent Authority [editar]

Alianza por la Ley de Igualdad de Trato

 The Alliance for the Equal Treatment Law calls on the Government to demonstrate its real commitment against racism and discrimination with the creation of the Independent Authority
  • The Alliance for the Equal Treatment Law once again demands this body from the Government, which should have been created four months ago, when the legal term to do so expired.
  • An Independent Authority is fundamental for the effective application of the Comprehensive Law for Equal Treatment and Non-Discrimination, and would allow an adequate response to "a daily reality that transcends soccer fields”.

The Alliance for the Equal Treatment Law, made up of several leading organizations in the fight against different forms of discrimination, has contacted the Government again today to urge it once again to create the Independent Authority for Equal Treatment, an essential body to ensure effective compliance with the Comprehensive Law for Equal Treatment and Non-Discrimination.

On July 12 of last year, the Comprehensive Law for Equal Treatment and Non-Discrimination was finally approved, a historic moment that was highly celebrated and recognized by the Alliance. This norm constitutes an essential instrument to fight against discrimination and comply with the principle of equality in a broad and comprehensive manner, one of its most important elements being the creation of the Independent Authority.

This body, in addition to being a requirement established by European regulations on the fight against discrimination, is essential for the application of the Law. Among its various functions, it is in charge of ensuring compliance with the regulations on equal treatment , to conduct investigations on the existence of possible situations of discrimination of special gravity, and to request the action of the State Administration to sanction the conducts constituting an administrative infraction.

In a week in which the Government has expressed on numerous occasions its determined commitment against racism and other forms of discrimination and intolerance, the Alliance has urged it -in a letter addressed to Félix Bolaños, Minister of the Presidency- to demonstrate said commitment with the creation of a body that should have been approved more than four months ago, since the term stipulated in the Law for its creation expired on March 14.

Hate and discrimination, a daily reality

The Alliance for the Equal Treatment Law has also revealed that "discrimination, hatred and rejection is a daily reality that transcends first division football matches". Thus, he recalled some of the incidents of hate and discrimination that have taken place in recent days, such as the mockery against a deaf candidate for local elections and belonging to the LGTBIQ+ collective on the television program El Hormiguero, the lesbophobic attack on a couple watched by their children, the case of the Roma man who had to sue for a discriminatory dismissal or the xenophobic and aporophobic discourse propagated in Madrid by Vox in the framework of the current electoral campaign.

As the Alliance affirms, “these are just a few examples of the discrimination and hatred suffered by many people in Spain; the vast majority of occasions, without it even transcending in the media”. For all these reasons, the Government is urged to approve, "as a matter of urgency, the Royal Decree creating the Independent Authority for Equal Treatment".

The Alliance for the Equal Treatment Law is made up of, among others, the following organizations: Accem, Rumiñahui Association, CERMI, CESIDA, CEAR, Red Cross, FELGTB, Fundación Secretariado Gitano, HOGAR SÍ, Movement for Peace-MPDL, Provivienda, Red Acoge and Save The Children.