On May 15 and 16, the Committee for the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) was held at the UN headquarters in Geneva (Switzerland). On the 15th, the FSG participated in the informal public meeting with non-governmental organizations and national human rights institutions and on 16th, attended the Committee session in which a broad representation of the Spanish Government, headed by the Ministry of Equality, presents the Ninth Periodic Report on Spain.
Celia Gabarri, head of the Area of Gender Equality and Roma Women of the Fundación Secretariado Gitano, made a speech at the informal public meeting with NGOs held on May 15 in Geneva, highlighting "the need to make visible the situation of serious inequality and discrimination against Roma women and girls”.
The FSG presented a suplement (“shadow report”) to the Ninth Report on Spain addressed to CEDAW because “unfortunately, in the Spanish government's report the realities of Roma women and girls hardly appear, despite the fact that in the list of issues that were made from the Committee did ask specifically about it, ”said Celia Gabarri.
“We believe that it is essential to intensify the temporary special measures that accelerate equality between men and women, as contemplated in the Convention. Spain has implemented numerous measures to advance equality, but these measures must be specific to Roma women and girls and focus on key areas for social advancement and equal opportunities: reducing poverty, guaranteeing educational success and access decent employment. If this is not the case, we will be facing an exclusive social framework because the general measures do not reach Roma women and girls”, Celia Gabarri remarked in her intervention.
This session has also constituted a moment to dialogue with the experts of the CEDAW Committee and share space with NGOs and representatives of civil society, about the upcoming challenges for the implementation of norms and public policies to guarantee equality and prevent violence against women.
On Tuesday 16th the exam to Spain took place, represented by the Ministry of Equality and a broad representation of other ministries, who will defend the legislative, political and investment advances in Spain for Equality between men and women and against discrimination towards women.
The Committee for the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) is the body of independent experts that monitors the application of the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. The CEDAW Committee is made of 23 women's rights experts from around the world. The current president is the Spanish Ana Peláez.