Dept Internacional
Today, 9 May 2023, we continue to deplore the continuing invasion of Ukraine and remember its victims, including many Roma. We also want to insist on the need to resolve the situation of poverty or social exclusion that too many people in the EU continue to suffer today, for whom there is still no guarantee of rights.
The EU has been the spearhead for the promotion of public social policies in Spain, for the fight against discrimination and for the targeting of public investment in disadvantaged groups, such as the Roma population. And we can say that the European institutions have taken on the inequality and discrimination of the Roma population as a European issue, creating a political framework agreed by all Member States (EU Strategic Framework for Roma Equality, Inclusion and Participation 2021-2030) to promote national strategies, as well as specifically incorporating the Roma population (with a specific objective) in one of the main European financial instruments, such as the European Social Fund Plus Regulation for the 2021-2027 programming period.
Similarly, in October 2022, the European Parliament approved a Resolution urging the European Commission to launch a European Action Plan for the eradication of Roma setlements. Therefore, equality and non-discrimination of the European Roma population is on the European agenda, but it needs more momentum to have a real impact on Roma people.
However, this progress is still limited and we need to continue to have a committed and united Europe that is capable of ensuring equal rights for all people, especially supporting those who are in a situation of greater social vulnerability, such as the Roma.
We believe that the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU, which will take place in the second half of 2023 (between 1 July and 31 December) is a great opportunity to put on the table the specific objective of eradicating settlements and substandard housing in segregated environments in the EU, following the request of the European Parliament Resolution. This is a persistent reality of inequality, segregation and structural discrimination, which entails a violation of fundamental rights.
In Spain over the last 30 years, policies have been promoted that have enabled notable progress in this regard. In fact, the Spanish model of Roma inclusion is referred to as a European benchmark. Furthermore, Spain has played an essential role in promoting the Roma issue at EU level and we believe that it can continue to do so under the future Spanish Presidency of the EU, promoting a greater European political commitment to advance in the development of a European Action Plan for the eradication of settlements and substandard housing in segregated environments.
This would be a major step forward in guaranteeing equal rights for European Roma citizens.