From Fundación Secretariado Gitano, we join in the commemoration of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, on the 25 November
We denounce violence against women and girls around the world and we call for the development of specific measures and the effective implementation of public policies for its eradication everywhere.
Gender-based violence continues to be one of the main problems that structurally and systemically affect women and girls around the world. According to official data from the Spanish Government Office against Gender-based Violence, 37 women have been murdered in Spain so far in 2022.
This 25 of November we cannot forget all the victims and all the women and girls who continue to suffer violence as a consequence of the war in Ukraine.
As an organisation, we would like to express our solidarity with the Ukrainian people, but also our condemnation of all kinds of violent acts and situations that involve a direct violation of human rights, especially those of Roma women and girls.
Nor do we forget the violent events that have taken place this summer in Spain (in Peal de Becerro and Íllora) as a result of the antigypsyism that Roma people experience and which directly affects their rights, especially those of women and girls.
The Roma Women's Group of Fundación Secretariado Gitano celebrates the approval on 13 July in Spain of the Law 15/2022, of 12 July, Comprehensive Law for Equal Treatment and Non-Discrimination. This law refers to the concept of intersectional discrimination and incorporates antigypsyism as a specific hate crime in the criminal code.
We are aware that this law is a great opportunity to address and make visible the fight against intersectional discrimination. However, this law guaranteeing the right to equal treatment and non-discrimination will need regulatory development and good implementation in order to really have a positive impact on our society and especially on the potential victims of discrimination, including women and girls from the main population groups that are traditionally discriminated against and rejected, such as the Roma population.
The Roma Women's Group of Fundación Secretariado Gitano wants to make it clear that Roma women and girls continue to suffer situations of intersectional discrimination on a daily basis. This is due to our gender, our ethnicity, but also due to every other circumstances that can affect us, such as suffering violence, poverty, unemployment, disability, illness, age, religion or beliefs, sexual or gender identity, etc. It is especially young women who suffer the most from unequal levels of treatment and gender inequality in the main areas of social and political participation, especially in public decision-making spaces.
Undoubtedly, we must continue to make progress in the promotion of equal treatment, gender equality and the fight against gender violence. For this reason we want to call on all public authorities, social actors and political actors to make a firm commitment to the goal of eradicating gender violence and to work in a preventive manner to achieve it. We are very concerned about the particular increase in Spain of gender-based violence among young women between 16 and 30 years of age.
For all these reasons, we join all the demands of the feminist fight, stressing the importance of including diversity in the demands for gender equality and in the fight against gender violence. Guaranteeing that the public system ensures the care and protection of Roma women who are victims of gender violence, taking into account their situation of intersectionality and interculturality.
We want a safe society for women and girls, public and private spaces free of persecution, streets without sexist chants, leisure spaces without fear and news focused on the empowerment of women and not on their looks. We want an intersectional and intercultural feminist society.
At Fundación Secretariado Gitano we want to continue contributing to the structural change that is necessary for a society free of violence against women and girls, free of antigypsyism, fairer and more intercultural, peaceful and with dreams to fulfil.
We are sure that with the recognition and work of all of us, WE WILL SUCCEED.