New edition of the Romani Week 2022. We are European Romani People! Equal and Diverse! [editar]
This year, Romani Week 2022 will take place from May 16 to 19 at the European Parliament facilities in Brussels, recovering the face-to-face format after several years of virtual meetings due to the pandemic
Another year, thanks to the collaboration of members of the European Parliament and with the support and involvement of various civil society organizations (including the Fundación Secretariado Gitano), the Romani Week 2022 will take place in the week of 16-19May, a little later than usual, since it is usually framed around 8 April, International Roma Day.
Since its first edition in 2016, Romani Week has offered an interesting space for debate between politicians, representatives of the main European Institutions such as the European Parliament, the European Commission, the Council of Europe or the Fundamental Rights Agency, together with the participation of numerous Civil Society Organizations from all Europe.
The main objective of the Romani Week, from the perspective of civil society, is to bring the situation of Roma people to the European political agenda and that the 12 million Roma people in Europe have guaranteed access to full citizenship.
The Romani Week also intends to play a relevant role by facilitating the exchange of knowledge between Roma people, civil society, political agents and civil servants; in the defense of specific thematic areas (health, education, employment, entrepreneurship, environmental justice, fight against racism); in the recognition of antigypsyism and in the debate on European policies regarding the Roma population. In this edition, there will be a large number of events that address all these issues.
In this link you can check the full agenda of the romani week 2022.
This edition will combine the face-to-face encounters at the European Parliament with the online streaming of the events, that can be followed at this website
In this Romani Week 2022, the Fundación Secretariado Gitano will participate in three highly relevant events:
Romani families in the perspective of social protection. Wednesday May 18 from 9:30-11:30. This event will deal with Roma families who are users of social care systems throughout Europe. We will reflect on social care systems, social support work with Roma families.
Ensuring adequate and effective european, national and local funds for Roma equality, inclusion and participation – past, present and future challenges. Wednesday, May 18, 2:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m. In this event, the general objective is to discuss the challenges to ensure that regional, national and local funds are adequate and effective for the Roma population. The importance of monitoring data on funding and effective implementation in specific areas will be analyzed through national and European examples.
Towards zero segregation in education in Europe.Thursday May 19 14:00-16:30. The event has a double objective: on the one hand, to facilitate discussion on the challenges to prevent, eliminate and/or sanction segregation in education at the national level; and, on the other hand, identify concrete steps at the European level that have a tangible impact at the national level to eliminate segregation in education.