The Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG) launches, on the occasion of the International Day Against Racism, a website informesdiscriminacion.gitanos.org, recapitulating the 16 annual Discrimination and Roma Community reports published since 2005 to make visible the structural phenomenon of anti-Gypsyism in Spain, as well as the human impact on the people who suffer it and on the enjoyment of their rights.
These reports, in which cases of discrimination and the actions carried out by the organization to denounce them and their results, are a reference for key agents, investigative personnel, activists, journalists and human rights organizations. The web page that is launched today will allow easier access and better exploitation of the information related to the cases, as well as the in-depth articles and other relevant content of each report.
The website contains all the reports published by the FSG since 2005 (including their versions in English following this link) with a format that allows them to be fully downloaded, and also makes it easy to search a database by keywords, year, scope discrimination, type of discrimination, province, etc., of the almost 3,000 cases collected from 2004 to 2019. It also includes information on the public presentations of said reports and the impact they have had on the media, and a section of statistics of the cases. Finally, it includes a section of analysis articles (In depth), corresponding to the topic that the report selects each year (anti-Gypsyism, housing, employment, intersectionality, etc. among the most recent), written by prestigious professionals and experts.
In this context, with the launch of the microsite the FSG intends to recall, also in its press realease, that "anti-Gypsyism is one of the most widespread forms of racism in Spain and Europe", making visible that, behind the official statistics that show the magnitude of anti-Gypsyism "there are real stories, of people who have seen their dignity and other rights violated by the mere fact of being Roma."
The collection of the cases of discrimination and anti-Gypsyism that appear on the website, as well as the attention to the victims, is the result of the action carried out by the organization through basically two programs. On the one hand, since 2013 this entity coordinates the Service of Advice and Assistance to Victims of Racial or Ethnic Discrimination, of the Council for the Elimination of Racial or Ethnic Discrimination (body attached to the Ministry of Equality). In addition, since 2016, within the framework of the Operational Program of the European Social Fund, the Calí Programme for the Equality of Roma Women which the aim to promote the personal development of Roma women who are in a situation of special vulnerability, in order to enable them to fully exercise their rights as citizens, and to also strengthen their abilities and competences, in order to improve their chances of finding a job